Thursday, January 25, 2018

Happy Robbie Burns Day

Robbie Burns
Black marker on paper
6 x 9 1/2 inches
Barbara Muir © 2017

I drew this portrait of Robbie Burns last year on January 25, officially
Robbie Burns day, a day to celebrate the poet and all things Scottish.
Some friends of ours introduced us to the great tradition of Robbie
Burns nights at the Caledonian in Toronto, and we're going to hear
the pipes (bagpipes), see the Highland dancers, and eat a traditional
Scottish meal -- with (yes) Haggis tomorrow.  This has become a
thing -- and a great treat it is.

I found this delightful animation of a Robbie Burns portrait saying
his famous poem To A Mouse.  I hope you enjoy it.  I've spent
my painting day with my head in the clouds -- a place I seem to
be very happy with.   Coming soon -- to a blog near you -- a very
large landscape with clouds -- 6 feet tall, and 4 feet wide.  Your
painter friend is 5ft. 4" -- so it is bigger than I am.  And built well
on a very hefty frame.  So far an absolute treat to work on.

Work in Process (detail)
Acrylic on canvas
6 ft. x 4 ft.
Barbara Muir © 2018

I'll toast the Scottish in you tomorrow night.  
Have a Happy Robbie Burns Day.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Being alive -- let's share the joys in life

In a park by the lake -- happiness
Acrylic on canvas
24 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir © 2018

This painting is certainly about loving life.  I think maybe
that's what all of my art is about.  It isn't that I don't know
the downside of life, I'm well aware that there is so
much to be sad about in this world.  But I do feel that those
of us who are lucky enough to see the beauty around us,
to appreciate small things,  to love what nature offers, and
to care about the people who make our lives magnificent --
need to share our bounty.

That doesn't mean we have our heads in the sand,  or that
 we don't take action against cruelty, wrong doing,
the ills of this world.  It means as artists with an ability
to create and record the vitality of this planet and
its people -- we want to share what we see.

Today's painting is still in process.  And the process has
taken a long time -- since last summer.  But it is sooo
close and I want to share it now.  Thank you for being
out there, and being my inspiration and support.

Have a telling your good stories day.

P.S. if you have a good news story to share, please
write about it in the comments section.  1 would
absolutely love to read it!

Monday, January 1, 2018

2017 -- The big lessons -- Love and kindness

No Contest -- Nature Wins!
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © 2016
Last year I had a list of 10 things I learned in 2016.  This year one
of the major lessons that leaps out at me is that Kindness is a quality
I value.  It has been a full year.  So much joy, so many
hard times, so much happiness and so much sorrow.

This is what powers me -- kindness, love and humour -- and
 a wonderful, growing, dynamically creative art community.
You've reached out to me, taught me, encouraged me, exhibited
my work, bought my work, helped me in so many ways, and made
this artistic journey such a wonderful experience.

Through the mass of emotions in 2017, what has emerged for me
is the vital importance of love and kindness.  Thank you to everyone who
stepped up to the plate for me, and my family this year.

We have had two close family members going through hard
medical treatments.  We've lost two family members to death,
and are grieving them, and are determined to live a positive, happy
life remembering them every day.  We've suffered injuries
and kept on trucking.

Miraculously through the hard times, art and my friends here, on the
blog, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have helped show me how
to keep heading back to the happiness I rely on.  Thank you.

Here's to a joyous, amazing, prosperous, healthy and adventurous 2018.
Thank you all for making my life amazing.