Sunday, April 30, 2023

Happy, tired Sunday

iPad sketch
Drawn with my finger
8 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2023

It has been a day for running around, doing chores, getting
a bit organized.  And now I am, if it's okay to admit it -- tired.
In another post I said I didn't think that April is the cruelest 
month. Although cruel things happened. We lost a friend.
Nature did everything possible to cheer us on -- the emerging
of the amazing bright, first green leaves, and the spring
flowers. Flowering trees just make us feel ecstatic after the

So April, despite very sad losses,  you have been good. The taxes
are in. But tonight I am tired.  I found this sweet iPad portrait in
my iPad files, and thought that she looks happy about the summer
coming soon.

Have a loving your life day. 

Saturday, April 29, 2023

International Dance Day and the Dance series

Before the Dance
Acrylic on canvas
Barbara Muir © 

It's International Dance day and to celebrate Steven and I
danced in the kitchen. 

When my own children were in their teens, and and I was
teaching students on the edge of adulthood, I started a series
called Before the Dance. The young women who posed for
me have grown up into phenomenal adults, living 
exciting lives.

As for the painting.  It was at Seneca College, but as the
entire place has changed since I left 8 years ago, I don't
know where it is. (Yes -- that's a question for next week.)
What I love about the painting is it seems to capture the
anticipation young people have for being "in the dance,"
(grown up life), and their nervousness at getting out on the
dance floor.  I also love seeing my cat Simone (gone now)
who posed for the painting, and the cardinal -- one of my
favourite birds, and a bird that's at the feeder in our backyard
on a daily basis.

I hope you spent some time dancing today. I definitely

Have a loving your life day.

Friday, April 28, 2023

This one would be a great Mother's Day gift


The Invitation
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © revised 2023 

My painting The Invitation is currently on view virtually through the 
Don Valley Art Club Spring Show website.  It is a beautiful 
painting, and a dear friend posed for the work. I've painted
her a number of times, and she is an excellent model.

This painting is about the excitement of opening an invitation
to some wonderful event -- maybe your party for your mother
on Mother's Day, May 14.  The Don Valley Spring Show is on
until May 7, and the work will be available with a commission to the
club, after that date.

Think about it. If your Mother, or wife has a room that needs
a cheerful painting -- this is it.  (Or you can purchase either
of my two other works in the exhibition, or any work you
find attractive on my website. Whatever work you decided to
buy will make me happy! And your Mom, or the mother of your

Have a loving the art in your life day.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Planning and playing

Spring profile sketch
marker on notebook paper
5.5 x 8.5 inches
Barbara Muir © 2023 

People who aren't artists (I think everyone is an artist--but I mean
people who don't make art), think that the process is straightforward --
you're an artist, so you make art.  Yes. In part that's true, but like
all other types of work, in art there is background work, planning,
thinking -- and the actual making of art.

Today I've been researching where I want to go next when this
current complex painting is finished.  If I work on it every day,
I hope I can show it to you next week.

Meanwhile, I'd hoped to make it part of a series, so I've been looking
through my research photos today, to think about what comes next.
Actually, it's been about what comes after my next painting, because
I know what I'm painting next.

For your entertainment I did a joyous portrait sketch. 

Have a loving your life day.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Serious and playful

 Quick painting sketch
Salmon Packaging Madonna
Acrylic on gilded cardboard
6.5 x 9.5 inches
Barbara Muir © 2023

It’s been a busy day today – catching up on listening to podcasts,
talking to my accountant, working on my very complicated painting,
and trying to get my 10,000 steps. Sometimes it feels like a good idea
to take a little break from all the serious parts of your life.

The other night I wondered what it would be like to paint on the gold
metallic covered cardboard that comes inside my smoked salmon packages.
I eat smoked salmon at lunch many days of the week trying to avoid eating
bread, not because of the gluten, but because with bread I always want more. 

So I wash and save these beautiful gilded pieces of cardboard to potentially
make art with them some day. Tonight I thought why not just do a little madonna
and see if the gold takes paint. No I'm not religious, but I am a major fan
of both Botticelli and the halo, and was happy to find out that the halo
goes back to way before modern religions. Here is a very quick five minute attempt.
And who knows what could happen with the 20 or so other pieces I've

Have a loving your life day.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Patti-Anne's visitation and my art group

Art group sketch
Acrylic on canvas
16 x 20 inches
Barbara Muir © 2023

We drove to Kitchener today to see Frank Daley and his family
at the visitation for Patti-Anne Fitzpatrick, Frank's wife.
I wish Patti-Anne could seen that so many people
came out to pay their respects, and everyone was talking about
how much they loved her.

It was good to see Frank, and Regan, and Rob, and their son,
Liam.  And we met friends of Frank and his family. 

Afterwards we drove home through the most amazing skies
I think I've ever seen -- dark rain clouds, with rain coming
down, and bright blue skies with white clouds right next to
the rain.  At one point there was a rainbow arching across the
sky from both types of sky, and flashing rainbow colours in
the spray behind cars driving through puddles.

I got home and went to spend my regular Tuesday night hour
with my art group.  And this is the result.  A wonderful model,
and everyone in the group doing wonderful work.

Have an enjoying your life day.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Happy Monthaversary to Steven

Fruit trees near Beamsville,
Barbara Muir © 2023

Steven and I are hopeless romantics -- what some might call
silly.  But as many things have happened in this year that
are very sad, it seems more important than ever to celebrate
the joyous parts of life.  And this is one of them -- being 
happy that we met, and have enjoyed a pretty amazing
life together. It is our wedding Monthaversary. 

Yesterday we headed out to Beamsville to see the orchards,
which are phenomenal at this time of year.  Such incredible
beauty as far as the eye can see.

That seemed a fitting celebration.

Have a loving your life day.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Happy Birthday to Hugo, and let's keep thinking about the planet

Candlelight for Earth Hour
charcoal on bond paper
10 x 14 inches
Barbara Muir © 2010
(I grabbed this quick sketch just as Steven was
getting ready to get up from the table
after our delicious Earth Hour meal.
He graciously sat for another couple of minutes.) 

I'm running late tonight because we drove out to Leamington to see the 
peach orchards.  I may put up a photo of that tomorrow.  But for now,
I'm going to repeat a post from Earth Day from 2020. Looking our our back windows
last night the people were like us -- lights out, candlelight.  It was a strange and
beautiful sight.  

"First Happy Birthday to Hugo Leemeijer in the Netherlands. Hugo
is the younger son of my friends - the fabulous artist Miranda Brouwers
and Rolf Leemeijer.

As for Earth Day Of course I could go on for the rest of the year.
This is a fast Earth Hour sketch from years ago. That is held
on a different day, but the focus is the same. Actually this
sketch looks more like our good friend David Cohen than
Steven.  But I like the sentiment.  We do want to try
and help the planet.

We have candles on the table every night.  And are romantic
at our best. I feel extremely lucky right now that we
have each other. I hope you had a good day. We did."

Have a loving your life day.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Earth Day

Bluebird (family Musicapidae) 
on a coffee cup
Bird Study #1
Acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches
© Barbara Muir

Last night the Jimmy Kimmel show, a rerun featured Dr. Jane  Goodall.
I Loved watching her, and it made me think about today, Earth Day. She
talked about how brilliant animals are, and how we don’t know how smart
they are, because we don’t study them.

I’m putting on this painting, which I love tonight, because I am still (yes still)
working on a complicated work. We have got to care about the Earth. So I’m
off to my candlelit dinner with my husband.

I will quote a passage from when I put this painting on before.

"The painting tonight is a bluebird on a coffee cup.  Symbolically I
guess it represents how intertwined we really are with the earth
and its inhabitants.  Last night on Stephen Colbert, Michael
Moore said that the Coronavirus-19 pandemic is just a wake
up call, and nothing compared to what's coming at us if we
don't take care of the environment.

Maybe we can use this day to unite in our determination to love
and take care of this planet.  I hope that when we are out of
quarantine we will listen to the voices of the people who
want us to change our ways, and that we focus on this precious
home -- planet earth."

Have a loving your life and the planet day.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Slowly, slowly and the Magnolias

A beautiful Magnolia tree
Barbara Muir ©

It's been a good day.  I painted quite a bit -- and the complicated
piece I'm working on is coming together -- slowly. I had a lovely walk
with a friend, picked up some gorgeous reference photo prints for
a future portrait of a couple I saw last night, who let me take their
photos. So kind.

And tonight I went on a long walk through a favourite neighbourhood
near the grocery store we visit.  And I got my 10,000! Yes.  The
goal.  It was so pretty.  Even at night, in the crisp evening air, the
flowering trees are magnificent.

Here's a photo of a prime example of a beautiful magnolia tree in
our neighbourhood.  

Have a loving your life day.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

The beautiful Patti-Anne

Acrylic on canvas
24 x 36 inches
Barbara Muir © 

I painted this portrait of Patti-Anne Fitzpatrick before I started my blog,
15 years ago, and before I understood that I needed good quality photos
of my work.  Patti-Anne died yesterday when she was taken off life
supports after suffering a severe aneurysm.  She is profoundly missed.

I thought I'd share this blog post I wrote about her in 2008.  I had so much
fun painting her portrait, as this was long before COVID and she sat
and posed for me in my studio.

"Patti-Anne, my former boss Frank's wife, is what Frank would
 describe as, "beyond
 gorgeous," and a very funny woman.
One of her favourite expressions is,"too funny!" as she cracks up
watching a 
comedy skit. She is also a pro golfer, so when Frank
asked me to paint 
her, I knew I had to honour her love of the

Of course she posed in my studio, but I placed her on my back
porch, with a sunny, 
abstract floral background. I love the energy
in the painting -- her athletic 
strength and femininity coming through,
and the clear expression of the sparkling sense of humour I enjoyed
so much while 
she sat for the portrait."

Goodbye Patti-Anne, we miss everything about you. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Goodbye Patti-Anne -- a tragic loss

Patti-Anne in the studio 
Snow on Cherrywood.
in 2016.
This is the most
recent photo I have of 
Patti-Anne. She was
wonderful, and supportive
of my work. We are so sad.)

Patti-Anne Fitzpatrick, a dear friend, and wife to our friend,
Frank Daley, died today after experiencing a catastrophic
aneurysm.  She suddenly lost consciousness in her sleep,
and was taken to McMaster hospital in Hamilton, where
she was on life support until today.  

This is a tragic loss for her husband Frank, and her family,
and friends who loved her.  She was young, vital, funny,
kind, and as Frank would often say -- gorgeous.

I always enjoyed dinners, or events with Patti-Anne and Frank.
And the two loved one another so much -- had so much joy
and humour together. 

So we are very sad. And we send hugs and love to Frank and
the family.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

With my art group

Art Group Sketch

Acrylic on canvas
16 x 20 inches
Barbara Muir © 2023

Life with my art group is so good. I have an hour from drop off
to pick up, because Steven my sweet husband takes me and 
picks me up.  Still worried about COVID, I wear a mask and 
stay a short time.

And the group are so fun, and such good artists that it's wonderful
just to be around them. I wish they could just come and sit in
my studio while I paint, and I'm sure my work would go faster.

This is what 35 minutes with them helped me create tonight.  A super
good model, and that's a wrap. 

Have a loving your life day. 

Monday, April 17, 2023

My wonderful sister

The Blue Sweater
acrylic on canvas
24" x 36"
© Barbara Muir  

There is one main thing on my mind today -- it is my sweet
sister Sally's birthday.  She is one of the kindest, most 
supportive, funniest people I know in the world.  And
I think she was probably the biggest factor in my learning
to only share my life with kind people.  

So I thank you Sally, and wish you the best Birthday ever.
You more than deserve a super day.  And in California with
the gorgeous weather there, I think you will enjoy every

The painting is based on a sulky photo my father took
of Sally when she was a teenager.  I love the expression.
And my sister is the farthest thing from sulky.  

Have a celebrating your life day.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Delight is everywhere

Pansies shaking off the rain
Watercolour, acrylic ink, and 
black marker on watercolour paper
5.5 x 8.5 inches
Barbara Muir © 2019

I was going to talk about how busy today was. But it was a 
wonderful day, so that makes no sense. I set my timer
for an hour and worked on my taxes. I sprinted into the studio and 
did more work on my very complex painting, which I am loving,
so that's good.  And then we went to the park -- and had a super
walk. The trees are just coming out and are the most beautiful
green.  Magnolia trees are blooming in every neighbourhood.

While we were at there, I took tons of photos for reference because
the clouds in the sky over the lake were acting like clouds posing
for scenes.  I told Steven yesterday that if we went to the lake I'd
take a kit of extra clothes in case it got cold.  In the downtown
city many people were in shorts. Then the temperature started
dropping, and at the lake I added socks, a sweater, and my winter coat
 -- and hey that was perfect.

It was so beautiful.  The weather was ramping up for
a rain storm, and the waves were high and loud. Gorgeous. We loved
it. Now day is done. I'm sharing a painting from 2019, when
it seems we had exactly the same bizarre weather changes
as today. And it is raining as I write this.

Have a loving your life day.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Some pieces from the Don Valley Art Club show at Todmorden Mills

Wading Pool Pals
Acrylic on canvas
12 x 12 inches
Jennifer Hinrichs © 2023

We went to the opening of the Don Valley Art Club Show, and I
recommend you check it out.  There are so many beautiful artworks
in the show.  I am just showing you a few of pieces I saw, 
but it is a big show, and there is so much to see.

Burning Biosphere
Acrylic on canvas
19 x 25 inches
Eric David © 2023

Blandings Turtles At Play
Handpainted Linocut Print
12 x 18 inches
Jessie Gordon © 2023

So do yourself a favour and check out this wonderful exhibition. Parking is free I
gather.  And yes I would really like to sell my painting. Contact me at if you're interested.  The photo is in the previous post.

Have a loving your life day.

Friday, April 14, 2023

More about the Alyson Stanfield podcast, and Check out the Don Valley Art Club Spring Show

Me with my painting
Tea Alone at the opening of the
Don Valley Art Club Spring Show
at Todmorden Mills in Toronto.
It's a great show. Check it out!
Tea Alone
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir 2013, revised 2023

Yesterday for this artist was huge -- Alyson Stanfield of ArtBizSuccess 
released her podcast interview with me, and she did such a brilliant job.
I first met Alyson, when I was going to be on the Oprah Winfrey show
via Skype, drawing Oprah live during a show.  It was an enormously
wonderful opportunity, and of course I was nervous about drawing one
of my favourite people in the world. 

I'd been following Alyson's blog, and I called her.  She calmed me down,
and gave me excellent advice.  And she was leaving town to fly to an
seminar she was giving in an hour. She still talked to me. A few years
later when my mother died Alyson invited me to write a piece about
getting back to creativity after experiencing a serious loss. 

Alyson released that article by me again on February 7 this year, and 
that lead to our discussion about this podcast.  The podcast is all about
happiness -- something I am always eager to learn more about. 
I hope you will listen and share the podcast with your friends.  And
I hope you are living your creative life, and that you are happy. 

Check out the Don Valley Art Club Spring how at Todmorden Mills to see lots
of beautiful art. 

Have a loving your life day.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Exciting news

Two things are happening today that are incredibly exciting for
me. The podast #146 (see the title above) came out this morning and I'll share the 
link here. It was a treat to listen to our conversation, because it was so
much fun talking to Alyson.

And the Don Valley Art Club show's opening is tonight and
begins at 7 p.m. at Todmorden mills. I have one painting in the
show -- Tea Alone, which I like so much because of the mood
it shows of a loving couple talking at the end of the day.

Wishing you a wonderful day. And I hope you are loving
your life.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Wishing you a very happy rest of the week

Gather ye pansies while ye can!
Acrylic ink, watercolour and black marker
on watercolour paper
5.5 x 8.5 inches
Barbara Muir © 2018

Today I am writing you early because I have a lot to do, and also
want to spend as much time as possible working on my painting.

Tomorrow, the art business success writer, Alyson Stanfield is 
releasing a podcast featuring me! So exciting.  Alyson is a 
wonderful person, and a great coach, consultant, and source of
inspiration to artists.

When I was going to be on the Oprah Winfrey show back in
May, 2009, I called Alyson for advice.  She lives in Colorado
and was due to leave to catch a plane in an hour, and miracle
of miracles she made time for me -- which was exceptional.
(By the way I am the 7th photo in the link to the Oprah Winfrey
show SkypeAround The World.)

So I look forward to hearing the podcast, and sharing it with you.

Have a loving your life day.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Weekend fatigue

After the play
Watercolour and marker
on watercolour paper
9 x 12 inches
Barbara Muir © 2013

It was a very busy weekend, as I've said, and today I turned in work 
for the Don Valley Spring Show. More about that tomorrow. I came
upon this painting yesterday looking through my past posts, and
loved it, because I've certainly felt a bit eye rolley for parts
of today.  I'm just a bit tired. It was so warm that my pansies collapsed
in the pot outside. I hope water will help them get over their weather
shock.  And I was lucky to have a wonderful walk with my friend.

This is my son Sam giving his mother, the painter, the eye roll
technique that even the seven year olds I know have perfected.
Sam has not been at all this way with me lately, but I love the

I am working on a very slow, and complex scene, an interior
with lots going on, so I will share work that I enjoy until
that work is finished.  I am having a so much fun painting the
new work, and that is wonderful.

Have a loving your life day.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Monday thoughts

After Breakfast
Watercolour and marker
on watercolour paper
8 1/2 x 6
Barbara Muir © 2014

We had a wonderful family dinner last night -- absolutely delicious,
and both of my sons contributed part of the meal.  Today is a holiday,
but it has the usual Monday feeling of urgency. I'm reading a book
recommended by my friend, the wonderful artist Marcia Labelle.
Chemistry by Weike Wang is funny and brilliant and a super
novel.  I got it out of the library on my iPad this morning, and I'm
one third through the book.

I found this piece I wrote last year about our feelings about the
inanimate objects in our homes, and how our feelings change
over time. I still love everything in this painting, although I
don't think I still feel the same way about the spoon in the 
painting. We human beings are incredibly specific in what
we like and don't like.  Yet our tastes change all the time.
So the purple hair, and shark tattoo we might have liked one
year, might not spark the same joy in the next. Part of the
reason for this is that the cells in our bodies are changing all
of the time.

Here's what I wrote about this last year:

"Why do we like specific things in our lives more than others?
I have a drawer full of spoons. Every single relative that ever
moved gave us spoons. But when I look in the drawer at night
to pick out a spoon to eat my night snack with, there are only two
that appeal to me.

And why does that change over time? Why do I now like a mug
that two years ago I would not have used for my hot chocolate? And
why do I want one mug in the morning for my coffee, and another
in the afternoon? I think about this frequently. Not all the time of
course, but it occasionally makes me wonder? Also why do I have
a cabinet full of antique china that I rarely use? What am I saving it for?

Perhaps this is the power of still life. I admire the tenderness we feel
for objects that came from people we cared about -- how every time
I put flowers in a beautiful crystal jug a friend gave me, I say her name.

What I love about still life -- my paintings of meals on vacation -- is
the untold stories that try to get your attention. 

Have a loving the treasures in your life day."

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Happy Holiday Weekend

An arty celebration in the studio
Barbara Muir © 2023

I don't have much to say today, but wanted to wish you a very
Happy Holiday weekend, if you have one. We got together with
family tonight.  It was super fun, and I am very tired. Whatever
you're celebrating I hope you have a delightful time.

We aren't religious at all, but we like the bunny and egg celebration
and it was really fun.  The hoola hoops were a big hit! Lots of
practicing and laughing in the backyard! Fun.

Have a loving your life day.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Saturday = busy

Tulips for Tucson
Acrylic on watercolour paper
10.6 x 13.8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2015
(I painted these thinking of my
friend the artist, Melinda Esparza
in Tucson, Arizona.  I hope you're
having a great weekend Melinda!
 You continue to inspire me)

Remember those Saturdays when you’d lie in bed reading
all day. This wasn’t one of them. And by rights it
shouldn't be.  The celebration of spring is a family type
holiday, and celebrating requires organization.

Today was so crazy busy that we are taking a tiny break to
unwind before our late dinner. And I get to write to you in this break. 

People are so wonderful. We came home to let the dog out before
we headed out again, and there was a huge bunch of flowers in our
front door. No note. I guessed that it might be from our sweet neighbours
 on the other side of the wall -- and it was. Fantastic!

I hope you’re having a great holiday weekend. 

Have a loving your life day. 

Friday, April 7, 2023

Holiday weekend

Pip the Lionhead 
rabbit delivers eggs
8 x 8 inchs
Acrylic on canvas
Barbara Muir © 2015

I hope if it is at all possible that you are having a wonderful holiday
weekend too. We are. So tonight I am putting on a painting of another
kind of bunny. We are not religious, but we like the bunny and egg
fun -- which goes way, way back in history.

If I had time, I would get a photograph of my neighbours' two bunnies,
(rabbits -- very big and adorable), and paint them, but time is not that
available on a holiday weekend with my family.

Wishing you a happy holiday whatever you are celebrating. 

Have a loving your life day.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

My wonderful printer

Happy Spring cards lining up,
ready to go.

The image is from the painting:
Harold and the blue egg
Acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir ©

In the spirit of the season, I had Happy Spring cards made by
my printer (the printer I use for everything to do with making art
 -- Chris, at St. Clair Printing and Graphics). They are based on a
bunny painting I did.  We are not religious -- and the cards are about
celebrating spring. Have a great long weekend whatever you're

Hey? My brother in Ottawa is one of millions of people who
experienced a severe ice storm, and they are without power.

So is spring something worth celebrating even if it's just
for the beginning of the season?  The answer is a resounding Yes!

Have a loving your life day.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

A slow drawing

Crème Brûlée
Marker on Fabriano
7 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2023

I came upon a photo today of Steven eating crème brûlée in the café
where we ate lunch every day when we were in Paris last October.
It’s almost impossible to draw crème brûlée in a line drawing, but
the photo was so compelling that I had to try.  At the last minute I
messed up Steven's face, so I'll fix that if I can, and finish the details,
and strengthen the whole thing.

This is it so far. If I can summon the patience it will go farther. And
I’m also working on a very different piece about a café here. The French
would be shocked at how things are done so differently. We had the most
wonderful time in Paris. And our profound gratitude goes out to Moustafa
in this café who treated us like family. 

Have a loving your life day.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023


Today's Happy Pansies
Acrylic ink and marker on paper
5.5 x 8.5 inches
Barbara Muir © 2023

It’s too bad that happiness as a concept is suspect. Because
ultimately there’s nothing more important in life than figuring
out how to be happy. I woke up this morning wondering if just
saying the word "happy" could make you happy. I’m not talking
about being in the middle of a period of deep grief. I mean on an
 ordinary day, when nothing awful has happened if you woke up
 in the morning and thought I am happy, would it affect the day

 I’ve been trying it out today. And here’s a painting I did. I was
thinking not just happy, but extremely happy thoughts about how
amazingly beautiful spring flowers are. Yes I do have a thing for

And as one of my former bosses used to say -- here's
the thing.  I have two pots of pansies that are growing.  We bring
them in when it gets cold.  To keep growing pansies have to be
picked every day! Yes. So that means there are always new
subjects for paintings.

Have a loving your life day.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Showing up matters

Pansies try perfection
Acrylic ink, watercolour and marker
in watercolour paper
5.5 x 8.5 inches
Barbara Muir © 2019

It's Monday, maybe not your favourite day of the week,
but I have to admit I like it. Why?  Because there's a whole
week ahead with promises of things to happen, and people
to talk to who will be inspiring, interesting and fun.

Plus I enjoy the feeling that I will get a whole lot done by 
Friday, and maybe I will. That's a happy thought.  So instead
of feeling burdened by the tasks ahead, I feel a sense of
promise that I can make things happen. And that feels good.

Showing up can also mean getting things in order. Today was
primarily a filing, and email kind of day, so I'm
showing you this pansy painting from 2019. 

Have a loving your life day.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

The Two Minute Rule

Pink in the city
Acrylic on canvas
16 x 16 inches
Barbara Muir © 2017
(Soon this is what we'll see. 
Not quite yet.  But
it's coming.)

I watched a video a couple of weeks ago about The Two Minute 
Rule. Apparently the fellow who was talking wrote a book about it.
But what's great, is the idea of thinking -- maybe if I just do this for
2 minutes, I can get it done.  (It did take a bit longer. Lol.) The point
is that if you start something thinking maybe you can finish it in two
minutes, you might keep going, and not even notice that you're working
way beyond two minutes. Smart.

Which is why I'm here.  It's been a very busy day -- delightful
and busy spending time with family -- not a lot of time for
anything else.  But I thought. Just write your blog. Spend two
minutes. we are. I hope you had a beautiful day.

Have a loving your life day.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

And suddenly it's April

Work in progress
Acrylic ink on
watercolour paper
5.5 x 8.5 inches
Barbara Muir © 2023

I asked Steven please not to pull an April Fool's joke
on me and he didn't thank goodness. Instead we went
to the market and saw our favourite farmer, then to
a camera store to get Steven's good camera fixed,
and then to buy shoes.  That's something we wouldn't
have thought of a week ago.

Everywhere we went we met sweet, kind, helpful
people who were cheered up by the brief hours of
warmth we had today.  I love this time of year in the
hopeful times when your coat is too warm, and you
have too many layers.

I came home and worked on this little painting of 

Here's what my mother used to do on April 1.

"When I was a child my mother had one
excellent prank that she pulled on us year

after year. She used to change the time on all
the clocks in the house, and wake us up an hour
early for school, then shout "April Fools!" into
our sleepy faces. Thinking about that now I can't
help laughing, and imagining my mother as a
young woman, with four children to get off to
school, dying for some fun. Most of the time
our lives were fairly serious. The house followed
a set routine, and we all did whatever we were
expected to do. But every now and then there
would be a mood of extra fun and gaiety."

Have a loving your life day