Thursday, August 25, 2011

My loving family

 The young actor
Black marker on Canson drawing paper
9 x 12 inches
Barbara Muir © 2011
My son's off to school working on his Acting degree.
Most students haven't arrived yet, but he's rehearsing for
an early production to be put on in mid-September.
He seems happy and enthusiastic about the play.  We
set up a time to talk on Skype tonight after supper, and we
were both tired from long days working at what we love.
So we laughed and caught up with one another.
The portrait I'm posting must have been from one of
the more serious moments during our talk.  I kept looking
at the drawing and thinking where have I seen those
features before?  It's fascinating watching young adults
grow into their faces.

Have a talking-to-your-family day.


  1. All of your skype pieces are so great!

  2. This is very dramatic. In this drawing he reminds me of Philip Casnoff. Did you ever see North and South? He was the actor who played "Elkanah Bent". Evil but he portrayed it so well! We just re-watched the series and the first 2 were delicious (Book III should have been scratched!). I see the same intensity in your drawing!

  3. What a gorgeous young man! I agree with Kim about the feeling of dramatic intensity - I also see a vulnerability and sensitivity there in his eyes which you've caught and which will serve him well in his career as an actor! Great job, mom!!!

    love, Marcia

  4. Beautiful work, Barbara. Lovingly drawn

  5. Hi Pam,

    Thanks so much.

    Love your work.

    XO Barbara

  6. Hi Kim,

    Sam is not at all evil looking, but has to look that way in his upcoming play. I didn't mean to portray that because he was really just tired, sweet and funny in our talk.

    XO Barbara

  7. Hi Marcia,

    Luckily I draw Sam almost as often as I draw flowers, so there'll be another view another day. Yes you are right, but the you know Sam.
    Love Barbara

  8. Hi Suzanne,

    Thanks so much. Your portraits are great.

    Take care,



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