Saturday, August 20, 2011

This magical time of year

 Saturday's riches
Watercolour and black marker on watercolour paper
10.5 x 13.5 inches
Barbara Muir © 2011
Yes it's hot and I'm not a fan of heat,
but it's hard not to love a day filled with cicadas
singing their high heat song.  The grape tomato
plants in Steven's tiny garden by the basement door are
thriving.  I go out each day and pick tomatoes for my
lunch.  It's paradise.  Up the fence and over the
tomatoes climbs a glorious morning glory -- the
Japanese anemones are ready to send their beautiful,
waxy white flowers up to meet the clouds.  Night
blooming Nicotiana already seem five feet tall and are
stretching -- up, up, up to that sweet summer light.

We went to the farmer's market today -- it was like a
popular summer fair, crowds of people, parking very hard
to find, vibrant music, art events for children, food everywhere,
and some of my old market friends on hand.  The tomato fellow
from Picton sold me a box and then kept putting more tomatoes
in the bag.  So kind.  I bought small garden carrots, a huge sweet
onion, and a jar of plum jam.  At the market the small open
sample jar of plum goodies was hosting a great sampling party to
 a dozen neighbourhood bees.  And they loved it.

So that was the day -- quintessential August.  Here is a little
painting I did of the kitchen table with the beautiful big tomatoes
sitting on an antique glass cake stand, on top of the Joy of
Cooking.  Our own nasturtiums and pansies and a scattering
of our own grape tomatoes finish off the story.  Some of the colours
have been changed I confess.

Have a loving-the-end-of-summer day.


  1. I love this Augustness and your work, Barbara!

  2. Hi Linny,

    Thanks so much. Today we're getting heavy thunder. We just made it home from the park in time to beat the rain. But hey -- free car wash, and as Steven and I always say to each other, "I watered!"

    XO Barbara

  3. Oooooh, this post makes me happy! I love your writing, Barbara. I can picture it all in my head perfectly.
    And your painting is pure joy.

    XO Nicki

  4. this is indeed magical! Nice to enjoy the fruits of August, and yes we're getting a downpour right now as i type, so i watered too. ha ha

  5. Love this blue and gold palette. You have such a beautiful style!

  6. Hi Nicki,

    Thanks so much. The weather has changed today although the cicadas are still singing. It's a lot cooler with notes of fall, some of the leaves are changing in the park. I just want to say. Stop! Please keep summer a while longer.

    XO Barbara

  7. Hi Sally,

    I hadn't been to the market for a while, but of course this is the ideal time to go, all the produce is coming in. I love that. Yes that was quite a storm.

    XO Barbara

  8. Hi Gwen,

    Thanks so much. Love your recent paintings -- just wonderful.

    XO Barbara

  9. Aren't markets great? Grimsby has a very good one this year. Your purchases sound delicious ; ) Just like this painting. Full of flight, sparkle, pattern and joy.

  10. Beautiful painting- love your brushwork. The colors just pop and it all works so well together!

  11. Hi Kim,

    I'd forgotten how super our local market is. Half of Toronto had the same idea, but even so someone kindly gave Steven his parking spot, and we
    came away with super stuff.

    Love your work,

    XO Barbara

  12. Hi Kathy,

    Mood definitely affects my work. Mood and subject matter. Both were glorious while painting this. Thanks so much for your comment.

    XO Barbara

  13. This is a fabulous watercolour! I really love the bright and welcoming scene.

    Your description of cold weather coming "like an ice cube down the back" really got to me! So well said.

    Each fall, we look forward to cool weather and hesitate when the heat comes. Extremes are so unpleasant.

    But, until then, we have August. Looks like it's wonderful where you are!


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