Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Painting fast -- artists need artists

Totally confident 
(art group sketch painting)
Acrylic on canvas
14 x 18 inches
Barbara Muir © 2015
It made sense to get back to my art
group tonight.  I dashed over to the
studio, whipped out my paints, and
caught this image of the model
in less than an hour. The title
describes tonight's wonderful model.
She was completely happy with herself.

There weren't many of us there, and
the conversations were intense, funny,
and packed with information.  Everyone
was doing amazing work, and I was just
experiencing paint.  What a treat!

Have a being-with-fellow-artists day.


  1. Barbara, I can't believe you only spent an hour on this - it is fabulous! Neither can I believe that most of January disappeared without me keeping up with everyone's blogs. I've been catching up on your recent posts and have thoroughly enjoyed seeing some of your older work as well as your pen drawings. You have a very enviable style with the pen let me tell you!
    Your talent and sparkling, uplifting prose are an ongoing inspiration Barbara!

  2. Hi Wendy,

    Thank you so much. You are making me blush. I think if I had access to a marvelous beach and the weather you are enjoying, I might not remember I had a computer. Thank you for that beautiful post. It made me ache for summer.

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara

  3. looks like you captured the essence here in less than an hour. wonderful beautiful work!

  4. Hi Sally,

    Thank you so much. I am touched by your comment. It was so much fun to be with my group again.

    XOXOXOXO Barbara


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