Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The perfect Valentine flower

 Tulip love (work in progress)
Acrylic on canvas board
6 x 6 inches
Barbara Muir © 2015
All over this large city people are panicking
about what to get their loved ones for Valentine's
Day.  Women say they don't want chocolates
(but will scarf them down if a big heart-shaped
box turns up.) (I should say I would!  Don't tell
Steven!!!) And men are lining up in the
flower shop to buy one outrageously priced
red rose -- which will not smell like a rose
and will die too quickly.  Plus just one?  Come
on -- abundance is the rule with roses. Tip --
pink roses -- Oceana -- last a week and smell
like roses -- beautiful! Just don't buy them in
Toronto, because I want them all ;-)

I know it wouldn't be a popular choice --
but there are red tulips in pots in the flower
store I love.  They're reasonably priced,
gorgeous -- they'll last for a couple of
weeks, and they speak of spring.  This
Sunday in Toronto it's supposed to drop
to minus 20 degrees Celsius.  That is
mighty cold. Any indoor flower that
 promises an end to winter is precious indeed.

My painting today -- a work in progress --
is dedicated to the tulip lovers in our
midst, and the flood of tulips we will
soon see in flower beds all over this
country. Can't wait.

Have a loving-the-thought-of-tulips day.


  1. A powerful statement, Barbara - I love the way you've cropped it. I'm an advocate of tulips too - sitting right now on our kitchen table, a vase of magic red tulips from the Hamilton market.
    Happy valentine's day (love your card) and have a wonderful get-away with your sweetie this weekend!


  2. Hi Marcia,

    Thank you so much. Have a lovely weekend yourself with your sweetie. Christopher took the photo I used as reference for close up reference for a painting I did years ago. I found the photo cleaning out some shelves in the studio. The tulips in my house right now are posing like crazy flowers. So I had to put them in.


  3. Happy Valentines this weekend. Love tulips at this time of year too. these tulip paintings are a delight, and the up close and personal view is a fun perspective

  4. Hi Sally,

    Thank you. I am having the happiest of Valentine's Days and wish you the same.

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara


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