Monday, March 9, 2015

Done like dinner!

Now that looks good!
Acrylic on canvas
24 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir © 2015
Painters have preserved the symbols of romance
forever.  So here's an odd one.  The symbols of
Valentine's Day this year for me have lasted in
my studio.  This delicious dinner did not take that
long to eat, but was a demanding picture to paint.  I
feel super happy about it now.  I can almost hear
the jangling of the cutlery as the train bounced
along so fast that we were much faster than the cars on
 the highway. 

This painting represents a bit of peace, a moment to
relax in a hurried world.  Ideally you share your meals
with someone you love, as I did eating this one beside

Have a dreaming of the train day.


  1. Hi Barbara,
    I like how you celebrate the everyday in your work. The gratitude for your everyday life comes through in all you paint. Nice job on this one!

  2. Hi Sally,

    Thank you. The every day does mean a lot to me. It's what we've got right? I'm glad you like it. I love your work.

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara

  3. Hi Barbara,

    Another great blog post. The Valentine's dinner is a lovely painting technically, my favourite part is actually the blue seat back/tray behind the food! Also I love the sentimental value of the painting. One of the functions of art is, of course, to preserve memory - so why not preserve good memories right? Love it.

    Also thank you for adding my blog to your list the other day, much appreciated.

    Hope you are having a wonderful day!

  4. Hi Verna,

    Thank you. I like the blue seat back too. But I also like the contrast between that (in real life a dull gray), and the detail in the food.

    I am quite delighted that you like it!

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara


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