Thursday, February 9, 2017

Hospital Day Thursday -- and the love of words

Only one more visit
Black marker on Fringe drawing paper
9 1/2 x 5 3/4 inches
Barbara Muir © 2017

I don't want to hear the news
Black marker on Fringe drawing paper
9 1/2 x 5 3/4 inches
Barbara Muir © 2017

The news is bad, but Saturday Night Live will be good!
Black marker on Fringe drawing paper
9 1/2 x 5 3/4 inches
Barbara Muir © 2017
I loved it when Michelle Obama said in an Oprah interview
that "words matter."   And they do to me big time.  I love
reading, and love teaching about the power of the word.
So for Day 9 of the Month of Love series, I pick my love
of words. I love how words can transform people's lives,
and make everything seem glorious. In the hospital today,
some of the patients were having their last treatments for awhile.
Random patients who have seen one another once a week for
weeks, were talking like friends, sharing details of their lives.
People were saying goodbye to strangers and wishing them
good health.  It was quite wonderful.

Great -- I can play here!
Black marker on Fringe drawing paper
9 1/2 x 5 3/4 inches
Barbara Muir © 2017

Now sleep is a good word
Black marker on Fringe drawing paper
9 1/2 x 5 3/4 inches
Barbara Muir © 2017
And when I think about it, it was the words, kind words
coupled with kind smiles and gestures, a hand on an
arm here and there, that forged as kind words usually
do -- connections -- especially meaningful when people
are going through similarly hard times together.

Thank goodness for my warm coat
Black marker on Fringe drawing paper
9 1/2 x 5 3/4 inches
Barbara Muir © 2017
Have a loving words and using loving words day.


  1. Dear Barbara: What a beautiful post. I love how your sketches, your own masterful words and the message of kindness and connection weave together. Thank you! Love -- Mary Lou

  2. Thank you Mary Lou,

    You are a person who changes people's lives with words. Sometimes it
    seems so simple, if we could all give one another kind words, the world
    would improve. Naive maybe, but I believe it.

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara

  3. I have absolutely loved these hospital sketches... AND the lives you have shared. In my own "season" of weekly treatments, I had similar experiences. Mine was daily, and the same two people were there with me each day. One went before me and one went after. Each session was pretty quick, but those shared minutes were a lifetime of friendship. In six days, I will celebrate 5 years from the last treatment! (In December, I celebrated 5 years from the surgery, but can there ever be too much celebration?) :) What I really want to say is congratulations to your friend who is in treatment... only one more - that is huge... start celebrating now! XO

  4. I agree with Mary - a beautiful post. You are a lovely person, and your sketches are really, they are solid full-up with love. It is very interesting for me to see this side of you, until lately I had only known your acrylic paintings, I think. I have been enjoying very much this month of love, thank you!


  5. Hi Laurel,

    Thank you so much. My friend is off the hook for now. The last treatment was
    Thursday -- for a while at least. You must be sooo incredibly happy to have passed the
    anniversary of 5 years from the surgery, and now 5 years from the last treatment
    coming up. I am glad you like the drawings. They made a hard experience into
    a much more positive one. Love your work.

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara

  6. Hi Verna,

    As for sketches, how could I not be inspired by you and your wonderful sketches? But
    the whole thing started with drawing -- as a child, and then at OCAD when I
    was 16. I learned that very formal style of life drawing, which doesn't attract me
    at all now. Maybe it was the MoMA or the blog. There was something about
    all the greats breaking their own trails that made me happy.

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara


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