Monday, February 27, 2017

On this 27th day of the Month of Love -- Stephen Colbert

A man IV
black marker on watercolour paper
8 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2009

Truth is I could have become quite depressed this
winter.  It seemed like the world had gone completely
nuts. Combine that with illness in my family and
as you witnessed many trips to the hospital, plus
a concussion -- keeping my spirits up -- something
I believe in working on, was not easy.
Drawing of a man
black marker on watercolour paper
8 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2009
Then I remembered Stephen Colbert.  I love
Trevor Noah, Jon Stewart (who was on The Late Show
tonight), and Jimmy Fallon -- but lately it has been
Colbert who keeps me laughing, and believing for
no clear reason that things will somehow get
Drawing of a man II
black marker on watercolour paper
8 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2009
Tonight I salute all of the comedy shows
that boost my spirits and celebrate them on this
second to last day of the Month of Love.
Drawing of a man 
black marker on watercolour paper
8 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2009
It turns out that in 2009 I drew many drawings of
Stephen Colbert, which I labeled as the man.  I'd
freeze frame episodes of his show and try to capture
him mid-thought, or mid sentence.

I was a big fan then, and am one now. I noticed watching him
tonight, that he now wears dark framed glasses.   The
ties are a bit thinner I think.  But essentially he has the
same handsome, compelling, intelligent and humorous face.

Have an enjoying-the-brilliant-comedians day


  1. Hi Honey, I agree, thinner tie, different glasses, still one great personality, which the world needs more of.

  2. These are great. You're great too, goes without saying. You're right, we need to do everything we can to keep our spirits up. Humour, laughter is at the top of the list. Positive energy, love and laughter. Survival.
    Last but not least - happy birthday, Alice!
    xoxo, Marcia

  3. Hi Steven,

    Thank you so much. Yes the world absolutely needs intelligent people
    who care about the planet. And comedians are super at hitting the
    nail on the head when it comes to all of the issues we care about.


  4. Hi Marcia,

    Alice, who I entertained with great energy today, thanks you profusely.
    She would love you. We did some drawing today with watercolour
    crayons, and then smudged them with a wet paper towel. Soooo cool.
    The kid is a quick learner. Yes we do need to keep our spirits up.
    Your art, your humour, your kindness does that for me.



Your thoughts and positive comments make my day. Thank you for stopping by.