Thursday, November 16, 2017

Work in progress -- life's big secret

Untitled (work in progress)
watercolour and pencil on 
watercolour paper
5.5 x 8.5 inches
Barbara Muir © 2017

Here I am making myself laugh in the middle
of the night.  A common phenomenon.  No.  I'm
not crazy, I'm blessed with an odd sense of humour
and friends and family who are funny too.  But
I wanted to post this little watercolour, which
is a work in progress, and of course was struck with
the irony of the term.

Is that it?  Our whole lives are works in progress.
Like mine now -- trying to get the teenager in
me to calm down, quit thinking about the great
day and go to sleep.  Meanwhile here's a little
watercolour I'm working on.  Thanks for helping
me.  I went back to working on my larger
painting, little by little.  Another life lesson.
That's the way to do it.

Wishing you a getting-on-with-it day!


  1. Life may very well be a secret or a mystery, but the beauty in your work is no secret -- there for all to see. Btw I too can make myself laugh (or cry too, for that matter too, I suppose) -- a propensity or talent I discovered early on as a child-- the ability to send myself, singlehandedly, into gales of laughter-- so perhaps in that respect we're kindred spirits.
    Xoxoxo, Marcia

  2. Oh Marcia, You are so sweet! Thank you so much. I don't think crying alone is unusual, but we are
    very lucky to have the ability to laugh by ourselves. We are definitely kindred spirits -- one of the
    supreme pleasures in my life. I love your work, and can't wait to see more of it. Leonardo da Vinci
    400.5 million -- Marcia Labelle -- equal value.

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara

  3. Love it. Thinking of you Barbara.
    Life is a bumpy road ❤️

  4. Thank you Mary,

    It can be a bumpy road. This past year in particular. Glad to
    be living where I am, and to have the friends and family I

    XOXOXOXO Barbara


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