Friday, February 16, 2018

Meaning -- loving to capture people's true selves

Catherine Scott
acrylic on canvas
24 x 36 inches
Barbara Muir © 

Love -- the lasting kind -- is a deep feeling, compelling,
nourishing, and rewarding. Some of my favourite portrait
commissions were created to add significance to the sitter's
life, and to capture who they really were.

In the case of my portrait of Catherine Scott -- one of
my favourites -- her friends wanted to fulfill her dream
of having a meaningful image of herself to live on and
represent her after her death.  She was dying of cancer.
I was honoured to be picked to paint her.
Catherine Scott (detail)
Barbara Muir ©
She sat for me, and was so vital, funny, present --
that I really thought there was no way she would die.
Her portrait was the special gift her friends gave her
on what turned out to be her last birthday.

Every item she wore, every piece of jewelry, every
detail in the painting was to her specifications.  And
I was more than happy to make her happy.  She
was delightful to work with, and sat for me for
many sessions so that I could get it right.  I know
that tired her out, but she was a brave woman.

I was at the birthday party when her friends
unveiled the portrait, and that moment will
stay in my mind forever.

Have a cherishing the people you love day.


  1. Barbara, this portrait is so wonderful. What an experience, you are the perfect person to paint her. Love your work always, and especially this month of love.


  2. Hi Verna,

    I had a typo in my response. And unlike Facebook, you can't edit too well here
    after you post. I have been loving the Month of Love -- writing about it has been
    a gift to open my eyes to all that I love in the world. Just having to think each day
    about what to write about has been eye opening, and a delight. Portrait painters
    are called on to both capture people in their everyday lives, and to give meaning
    to significant moments, like the birth of a baby, a wedding, a love relationship,
    and in this case to create a lasting image.

    The sitter was pleased and proud of the work. And that meant the world to me.

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara


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