Sunday, March 18, 2018

#11 Letting go of fear -- heroes like Bob Burridge

Night tulips
Watercolour, acrylic, marker on watercolour paper
5.5 x 8.5 inches
Barbara Muir © 2018
The person I'm thinking of when I write this is Bob
Burridge, who I'm sure I've talked about before, and who
puts out new art videos on how to be wildly creative
every week.  He is filled with ideas, happy (super
happy) and inspiring.  I haven't taken one of
his on site seminars yet, but I love the guy for what he
offers to artists.

He helps us step off the fear Merry-Go-Round and
into possibility.  He regularly paints so many paintings
in the space of a 10 minute talk, that one painting
seems like a much easier task.  And his are all good.

Plus he simplifies things like how to paint a wine
bottle.  Here's a little drawing/painting I did about
a week ago when my Sketchbox arrived.  It
uses watercolour, a white marker, a green marker,
a black marker and acrylic paint.  Intense - like
the tulips themselves. I knew I had to capture them
right away at their peak, or they'd be finished. I was right.
The next morning the luscious petals I'd drawn and
painted had fallen to the floor.

Have a letting-go-of-fear-and-experimenting day!

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