Friday, May 8, 2020

Three cheers for the pansies

Pansies in a jam jar (Work in progress)
Acrylic on birch panel
5 x 7 inches
Barbara Muir © 2020

True we have had some beautiful days here (today was
gorgeous), and also some unseasonably cold ones.
(Today!) It's been zero degrees celsius for a couple
of nights in a row.  Snow was predicted for today,
and my phone says it is currently 4 degrees.  I know
weather is not a scintillating subject -- but it's something
 our pansies care about.

They are still producing beautiful flowers, but not
very many.  And I'm sure they know that they're one
of my favourites. But I've had to bring the pots in at
night to protect them.

I did pick a few (they are not flowering wildly) and
did this little painting a few days ago.  It needs a
bit of work and when I get a minute I'll work on it.

Stay safe and healthy and love your life.

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