Thursday, April 1, 2021

Thank you everyone—650,000 +

Blackbird on a coffee cup

Acrylic on canvas 

8 x 8 inches 

Barbara Muir ©️ 2009

 Thank you so much for your support during this hard time. Only  the first quarter of the year is gone as we step into April in great anticipation. Yet thanks to you I already have what would’ve taken me half a year of hits last year. So I really appreciate it. I wrote this blog for you and for me, and it makes me happy if I can give you some pleasure, or happiness in the hard times we’re living through.

I’m posting my picture of the red wing blackbird on a coffee cup tonight because it perfectly symbolizes how spring returns here. This year the robins were the first to return. But then one morning only a week or so ago, we stepped out onto the back porch to hear, and see a red wing blackbird. And we knew that spring is really here.

I’ve been working on gessoing canvasses, picking up reference images, taking photos, and painting out the part of that painting I talked to you about earlier in the week that I’ve forgiven myself for realizing it won’t be finished the way I had planned. Now all that’s left is the sky and the clouds, but that gives me the freedom to create something completely different.

This is a long weekend in Canada, and I hope if you’re having a long weekend when you enjoy yourself as much as possible. We are in lockdown again, so we have to navigate a holiday weekend around the rules. I hope you get your vaccination, and then I get mine someday, and that we can all have something that resembles normalcy soon.

 Having an enjoying a long weekend day.

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