Friday, February 18, 2022

14 years of blogging -- what an amazing time -- thank you.

Before the Dance
Acrylic on canvas
Barbara Muir © 2008
(One of the many things I've learned
 in 14 years of blogging is how
to take better photos. But this
 is the original painting I put on
 my first blog.)

This is a big day for me! Huge. I wrote my very first blog on
February 18, 2008.  It's hard to believe it's been that long --
if anything underscores the advice people always give you about
how fast time goes -- this is it.  My whole life has been wonderful
for the most part, but the past 14 years have been spectacular.
I owe it all to you -- my family, my blog artist friends, my 
collectors, curators -- a long list.  Today on Day18 of the Month
of Love, I love my blog, and the magic it's brought into my life.

I'm especially grateful to Flora Doehler who urged me to
start a blog at least a year before I was even minimally
ready, and my son Christopher who helped me start it
in 2008, around the time that he and his girlfriend, Megan
were planning to go and teach for a year in Korea. Megan
and Christopher are married, and I think Christopher's exciting
working life first as a photographer, then a director of ads and
music videos started at the same time, as I started my blog with
his help.

Because of the blog, and showcasing my work here, I've
met artists, and become good friends with artists all over
the world.  I've shown my work in New York, Florence,
Italy, Paris, France and the Netherlands. I've talked at
length about being interviewed about Skype on YouTube|
by Howard Wolinsky, which lead to me drawing Oprah live
on the Oprah Winfrey show. 

The past two years have been quieter because of COVID,
but the excitement and delight in seeing what you are
doing, and in hearing how people are still making art,
figuring out how to have exhibitions safely, thinking
of new ways to share and sell art has been so
inspiring.  Thank you to everyone. And Happy
Blogaversary to me.  (Is that how you say it?)
Wow! 14 years.

Have an enjoying your life day.


  1. Thank you so much Jennifer Rose,

    It is a happy anniversary. So many wonderful things have happened to me
    because of the blog.



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