Saturday, September 2, 2023

September means a fresh start

Untitled (art group sketch)
Acrylic on canvas
14 x 18 inches
Barbara Muir © 2019

For many families September means the start of school.
I will be teaching in October, but for now I’m thinking 
about one of the art traditions I’ve enjoyed so much in my life in
recent years. 

I love it when I can go to my Tuesday night art group.
My husband drops me off, I paint for and hour (actually less
counting set up, breaks and clean up.) And it makes me feel
so happy. Then my husband picks me up, and we go home and
have dinner. The sessions will resume soon. Tonight
I’m sharing one of my favourites. This guy could pose
and hold a movie quiz. Impressive!

Have a loving your life day!


  1. Wonderful❣️❣️❣️ very moody looking guy 😀❣️❣️❣️

  2. Hi Evelyn,

    That's so funny that he looked moody. A great actor. Meanwhile
    he was holding quizzes about movies in the break.



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