Saturday, March 14, 2015

Happy Pi Day -- no time for art.

 Mini daffodils in a bowl just starting
iPad drawing (finger drawing)
8 x 10
Barbara Muir © 2015
This was Pi day, and apparently the perfect
combination of numbers that happened
today won't happen again for 100 years.
To honour that -- Steven and I shared a
small tart (pie).
 Lady in Victorian chair with cat
iPad drawing (finger drawing)
8 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2015

There are days when there is almost no time
for art.  But art is there.  I bought more tulips
and daffodils for paintings you may see next
week.  As we drove from task to task I
debated my next art move.  What do I want to
paint -- when to start, how to proceed?

We looked at a beautiful Louis
14 bed, designed and made in Italy.  Without
a doubt a work of art, and an incredible
pleasure to behold. Out of this world,
and off the cards in price -- but gorgeous.
 I bought shamrock plants to honor St. Patrick's
Day, and a little celebration of the day we'll have
early tomorrow night.

I did a couple of quick iPad sketches,
 I'll share with you.  And that was it.

Have a happy-as-pie day.


  1. It is good to know that on days when there's no time for art you are always thinking about's a real gift is it not to enjoy this pre-occupation? May the luck o the irish be with you and Stephen today!

  2. Hi Sally,

    Yes it is a great gift to have such an obsession. I wish you the luck of the Irish, today and every day. We started the St. Patrick's thing one year when the kids were young, and now it is a forever must. I used to say children are like Labrador Retrievers, if you do something once, you have to keep on doing it. But by now I'm
    sure our kids feel that way about us! ;-) It is so fun to celebrate any occasion with them.



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