Sunday, March 15, 2015

Family love

Woman sewing
Charcoal on Moleskine paper
8 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2015

How wonderful it was to have my family
together for our St. Patrick's Day dinner
tonight (two days early, but we had
to fit everyone's schedules).  The house
was quickly switched from Valentine hearts
 to shamrock decorations, and we enjoyed
a lovely meal together.

I missed my mother who we used to
call on St. Patrick's Day so she could
sing,"When Irish eyes are smiling," to
us.  I've been thinking about the power of
image. When I look at a photo or a painting
does it feel like the person is present?

This little drawing is loosely based
on a photo by my father of my mother
sewing. The Irish side of my mother's
family was actually French.  Complicated.

Have a loving-your-family day.


  1. Oi, top o the mornin to ya Barbara! Nice that you got the fam together for a St. Patricks Day meal. Dave and I will toast the good saint tonight with out crockpot meal. Hope you have a very lovely St Paddy's day, full of painting, art and happiness. xo

  2. Thank you Sally, top of the mornin' to you too. We had a celebration with the family, and another little Irish celebration tonight. I did have a lovely day, and I hope you did too. Thank you so much.

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara


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