Thursday, March 19, 2015

Happy Spring and my favorite kind of day

 Parrots for Peoria
Acrylic on watercolour paper
10.6 x 13.8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2015
(Thanks to Howard Wolinsky
for the name.  I believe he
wanted peonies, but they're
not available here yet!)
This was an all art day -- my favorite.  I worked on
one of my big paintings that's filled with detail --
so slow.  Plus I worked on this tulip painting to
celebrate the first day of spring.

A beautiful young woman, a friend's daughter, came
to model for work I'm doing for an upcoming show,
and I organized my material (finally) for my part in
a group show in New York in May!

I need lists for my lists -- but what a good feeling
when some of the ideas on the lists get accomplished.
Happy Spring, and to my friends on the east coast I
wish an end to snow, and a slow easy melt into a
gorgeous spring.  You deserve it!

Have a welcoming-spring-day!


  1. that indeed sounds like a happy day, so good to get things accomplished. Your tulips are perfect...especially on this first day of spring.

  2. Hi Sally,

    Thank you so much. Your compliment means a lot to me, as you are a primo painter of tulips!

    XOXOXOXO Barbara


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