Thursday, March 5, 2015

Lost in enthusiasm -- and progress on the train dinner

Now that looks good! (work in process)
Acrylic on canvas
24 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir © 2015
There has been so much going on! Trying to
find and acknowledge all the artists whose
work cheers me, teaches me, inspires me
and makes me love art and artists -- of course
leads to many conversations both on and off
line.  Thank you everyone.

Here is the latest stage in my painting of dinner
on the train.  There is still a lot to finish, so I am
not done.    I will try to add a  short video
from the train, to give you more of a feeling of the
mood accompanying this meal.  This is from
the way to Montreal, and the meal is from the trip
back to Toronto.


  1. Love the painting Barbara! And I enjoyed the little snippet of footage taken from the train. How different our environments are at the moment!!

  2. Hi Wendy,

    The past week has been a pretty quick move towards light and warmth. The snow is melting and temperatures are rising. Plus the shift in time means more light at the end of the day, which is amazing.

    Love your work.

    XOXOXOXO Barbara


Your thoughts and positive comments make my day. Thank you for stopping by.