Friday, March 6, 2015

Seeing with new eyes

 Mary at the ocean
Acrylic on canvas
12 x 12 inches
Barbara Muir © 2015
My friend Gill Cameron worked in Africa a few
years ago.  She's a an artist and teacher in Toronto,
and went to Tanzania to teach art for a semester.
She loved the country and the children and has
dreamt of going back since her return.

This is a painting of one of her students that I've
 been working on on and off for a few years.
Today I thought I had it all figured out.
Sometimes I am missing the juice on a painting,
and suddenly see what to do.  There are a few
more changes to make, but Mary at the ocean is
almost finished.

Have a seeing-things-differently day.


  1. Mary at the Ocean is looking good! Always feels good to resolve something that has been stumping you doesn't it?

  2. Hi Sally,

    Yes it does. At the time my friend was trying to raise funds to support the girls through high school. I painted them from other pictures, but this little snapshot, very low res attracted me. This time looking at it I noticed her bracelets and realized she was showing them to the person who took the picture. Aha I said,
    and the rest made sense.

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara


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