Barbara Muir © 2023
collection was a real honour.
Barbara Muir © 2024
needed a companion on the wall, and my work made sense to them. Such an incredible
my wonderful collectors. I loved our visit, your home and your art.
Yesterday I was busy with family, so I almost forgot that it was the day of my 4,000th
blog. I know that my blogs are sometimes just a run down of the day's activities --
kind of like a grocery list. But in my artistic life they've had a major impact.
And I am so grateful for that.
What's happened since I started blogging? Okay -- well I got to
be on the Oprah Winfrey show drawing Oprah live via Skype. That
was big news. I was in the Florence Biennale twice -- in 2009, and 2015 -- an
amazing experience. I met so many wonderful people there.
I've shown in the Carousel du Louvre show 3 times, in the Louvre Museum in
Paris France. I've exhibited in New York City 10 times. I've met people, and
am friends with people all over the world through both my blog, and
participating in international art exhibitions.
So there's a start. It's been a great time. And even though blogging is not
as popular as it once was, I will keep on blogging. So many wonderful
things happen because I do.
Thank you to everyone I've met on my blog journey, and to my husband,
Steven van Schaik for going with me to these exciting events and for
toasting me with champagne tonight. 4,000! (oops 4001).
Have a loving your life day!
This Valentine painting shows a little bird, and that makes it
right as a Valentine for Steven because he loves birds so much.
At the moment our Christmas tree is wired to the fence and full
of bird seed, and the birds love it. We do have to clap when we
let the dog out so she won't catch any non suspecting bird. But
she's 12 and losing her eyesight, so they are pretty safe."
Wishing you a wonderful week!
Have a loving your life day!
I ordered cards from my wonderful printer who has gone to Hong Kong
for a month to visit his brother, and I sold some of the cards at
the opening today.
Meanwhile spread love wherever, and whenever you can. People
need love and affection. Your posts and work make me happy, and
help make me love my life, even when the news is grim. Thank you.
Have a loving your life day.
"If you ever get the chance to show in International shows,
I hope you do it. Of course there is so much to learn -- how
to navigate, what to send, how to manage shipping, where
to stay. And the most wonderful part of the whole experience
is the friendships you make that last.
This is a really rough, quick sketch of one of those friends
for me -- Miranda Brouwers -- an amazing artist, and
fabulous friend. We met in Florence Italy at the 2015
Florence Biennale, and formed what we called The Happy
People group, to cheer other artists on through the 10 days
of exhibiting.
We showed together again at the Louvre in 2016. And have
kept in constant touch ever since. Miranda is currently
devoting her work to beautiful cards, T-shirts, invitations,
and art that helps people celebrate the important moments
in their lives. I will do a more refined drawing another time.
Meanwhile have fun Miranda."
That says it all. And every time we talk on the phone (once
a week most of the time -- the call starts with both of us laughing.
Such a treat!
Have a loving your life day.