Monday, October 21, 2024

More Inktober -- going to miss you October

Journal Sketch
marker on drawing paper
6 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2024

On a beautiful and hectic day -- Inktober saves the day.  Here's a 
drawing I drew with my morning coffee.  I tried not to fuss over
the simple beauty of her face, but of course I did. 

Hope you had a great Monday.  So much going on. I'll see you
again tomorrow.  For now I'm so grateful for this month's preoccupation
with line drawing and Inktober.

Have a great week.

Have a loving your life day.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Getting work ready for a big and incredible sale

The artists' yellow house
Work in progress
Acrylic on birch panel
5 x 7 inches
Barbara Muir © revised 2024
(When I started this painting our
friends' Flora and Larry's house was
painted yellow.  The last time we
saw it was purple and blue. Next time
it may be completely different.  And
isn't that the definition of art.)

This is one of many, many small paintings I'm revising, framing and
entering in the Heliconian Club Off The Wall show opening November
30 from 2 - 5:30 p.m.

The idea of this show is that the paintings, which are small and 
range in price up to $200, can be taken "off the wall" and replaced
when someone wants to buy one.  20% of the price will go either 
to a charity, or to keeping the Heliconian Club running. All good

It was an absolutely perfect fall day here with the ideal warm temperature,
and trees bursting into fall colour. We went to City Hall to be there when
my son and his friend finished the Waterfront Marathon.  Amazing. We were
so proud of them.

Afterwards we walked along the lake in one of our favourite parks, and felt
like the world was magic. It certainly looked exquisite in the end of day

Have a loving your life day.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Pick any painting


See what I mean?
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © 2019

It’s Saturday night, which is movie night at our house. So I generally look
 at my blog, find a painting I loved, and talk about that. Tonight I wanted to
 say, which painting would you choose to talk about in your work if you
could pick any painting you wanted? So I went on my website and looked
through my landscape paintings, and found this one that’s right for this time of year.

It was a spectacularly beautiful day today – Just warm enough to wear a sweater,
not hot and not cold. The light was brilliant, and trees are turning magnificent
colours of red, gold, orange, and brilliant yellow just stunning. We drove to the
market and home entranced -- feeling so lucky to live in this beautiful city.
That's a great feeling.

This painting sold in New York at the beginning of the pandemic. It was such a
treat that someone loved it as much as I did. Wishing you a great rest of the
weekend and a happy Saturday night.

Have a loving your life day.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Art all day

Journal Sketch
marker on journal paper
6 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2024

 Last year on this day, I was talking about the wonderful feeling of
drawing a portrait. I did this quick sketch this morning.
What is magical about drawing a fast portrait sketch is making
 the person come alive in your own style sometimes in just a few minutes.

It’s been a long day of art all day. After the quick portrait sketch, I was
working on a painting, setting a figure in place, painting in the background.
I’m really enjoying this painting -- way too early to show you.

Then, in the late afternoon, some of us got together to create a banner
for Halloween. The youngest family members are very creative, and
made the most beautiful piece of art that will stretch across the house
when we’re celebrating Halloween. For sure all the neighbours will
decide that 'Yes these people have candy!"

Have a loving your life day.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

What pops up

Sunset at the farm
Acrylic on birch panel
5 x 7 inches
Barbara Muir ©˙

Working on painting today -- on all the prep work -- references, 
prepping the canvas -- you name it, and if you're an artist you
know the drill.  I came upon this little painting in my studio --
the rooms have just been radically cleaned. The painting is not
quite finished, but I like the joyous feeling it suggests.

I spent an hour and a half in line today -- and I'm grateful to
the sweet people who held my place so I could sit down
for part of the wait. It was all worth it when I got to the
kind woman at the desk who renewed my health card,
and driver's license -- complete with the obligatory new
photo in five minutes flat.

So here's a happy sunset painting.  I hope you saw
the Hunter's moon tonight. Quite spectacular.

Have a loving your life day.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Heidirose an incredible friend


Peaceful Lunenburg Harbour
Acrylic on canvas
11.5 x 15.5 inches
Heidirose Claussing ©

If we're visiting Nova Scotia we go to Annapolis Royal even if it's
just for 15, or 20 minutes before we get gas for the long journey back
to our school house between Wallace and Pugwash. We love our friends
at the German bakery, and loved meeting Heidirose and Dieter, who are the chefs
and bakers, and their daughter Susanne who frequently runs the restaurant. 

Heidi is also an amazing artist.  If we have time when we're in the area
we love to drop in for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or to pick up some 
pastries. Yum. If you visit Annapolis Royal give yourself a treat.
Go and see Heidi's art, and eat their delicious food. 

This beautiful painting caught my eye, and Heidi has graciously
agreed to let me show it to you. In fact she shared some poignant 
stories about her life in East Berlin growing up, and how hard it
was being accepted in Canada, and let me buy the painting.
It's beautiful

Thank you Heidirose for wonderful conversations, for your
incredible bravery, for lots of laughter, your amazing art, and
delicious food. 

Have a loving your life day.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The day after Thanksgiving -- Coffee!!!!!


Coffee with milk in
a cup
Acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2009
(This painting seems perfect
for today.  And I like that it
went to live in
Texas with my friend, 
the artist Susan Carlin.) 

Today I saw this painting scrolling through my blog.  I went to
see my friends who meet for coffee every Tuesday if they're
not working, and I was definitely not awake enough after one
coffee.  So of course when I came home after a second delicious
cup of coffee at my friend's house I was thinking about
how much I love coffee.  This painting went to my wonderful
friend, the artist Susan Carlin, in San Antonio Texas years ago.
And I'm glad she has it.  

The day after Canadian Thanksgiving is a day when you need
coffee -- to get back on track. I drank at least four cups and
have been organizing, drawing and working on a new
painting most of the day.

If you celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving this past weekend I hope you
had a great time.  Steven and I had a wonderful dinner with our whole
family and two young guests.  So much fun.  And then of course tonight
-- turkey dinner #2.

Have a loving your life day. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving

 Flowers from our garden on the
kitchen table
My Happy Thanksgiving wish to you.
Happy Thanksgiving
Barbara Muir ©

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!  Families and friends
from coast to coast have spent the weekend gathering
together to express our gratitude for the bounty of
the harvest, for each other, and for the planet. 

We had a big family dinner, turkey and the trimmings
plus salmon for one family member, plus super
veggies and so many dessert choices.  Pies --
pumpkin, cherry, blueberry and apple crisp.
It was a delicious dinner with wonderful

Have a loving your life da 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Gratitude for my mother


Isabel Muir
by Christopher Muir
Christopher Muir @ 2007

My mother died 11 years ago on this date.  It was Thanksgiving Day. We were
in Ottawa where she lived, and were in the hospital with her the night before
she died.  Our family who were in the city, had lunch together, then we drove
home to Toronto for another Thanksgiving dinner. All in her honour.

The beautiful portrait photo I'm showing you is by my son, Christopher.
I love it because it shows her strength, her beauty, and the nature she protected
with letters, her voice on call-in radio on CBC, in protest marches even when
she had a serious chronic lung condition, and with donations.

Here's what I wrote about her in a former tribute:

"A couple of weeks before she died, I sat with my mother, who
was totally blind, helping her fill out cheques to organizations she
believed in that protected the environment -- wolves, whales, parkland.
Those weren't her only passions -- she gave to women's shelters, money
for hurricane and famine victims.  Small amounts to be sure -- but this mattered.

She was a good, kind and supportive mother. Sure she could be
critical, but in small ways that didn't matter at all. Because what
shone through with her was her love for her family, her intellect,
(she had a Masters in Bacteriology), her concern about the future of
the planet."

We miss you Mommy.  You made the best Thanksgiving dinner.

Have a loving your life day.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

We are very grateful for our market friends


Jens Eller of Marvellous Edibles Farm
with the painting -- Flowers in light
Acrylic on watercolour paper
5 x 7 inches
Barbara Muir © 

A very fun visit to the market today where Jens Eller the owner of
Marvellous Edibles Farm took home my painting Flowers in
, while we took home a delicious cherry pie, and a blueberry
pie (our favourites of all of their delicious pies), a quiche and 
beautiful flowers -- oh and organic lettuce.

Jens and his wife Ayse were chefs in Europe, and anything they bake
is beyond delicious. So we are more than prepped for the Thanksgiving
dinner, and Steven is going to make pumpkin pie (an absolute 
requirement in our family.)

I've been influenced by the work of Mitchell Johnson to look at my work
and see it in new ways.  So I suggested Jens hold the painting upside
down for the photo, because it actually looked better that way.  He
laughed and cooperated.

For more market fun check out my Instagram stories to see the two
young men who brought their very calm cats to the market.  Funny. 

Wishing you an amazing Canadian Thanksgiving weekend.

Have a loving your life day.

Friday, October 11, 2024

And just like that it's Canadian Thanksgiving weekend


Today's flowers from the garden
Watercolour and black marker on 
watercolour paper
6 x 9.5 inches
Barbara Muir © 2013

We had a kind of art party with some of the younger members of our 
family today, and it was so much fun.

As I've said before I love the idea of a celebration based on gratitude.
In Canada Thanksgiving is about the harvest, and I love the day because
it's about food, getting together and being happy, and everyone can participate.  
It isn't a religious holiday -- it's available to everyone.

So here are some of the things I'm grateful for:

I always enjoy thinking about what makes me happy, but this weekend is about
reflecting on what's great about our lives:

1. I'm grateful for my wonderful family. Thank you for your love.

2. I'm so happy to have wonderful, kind, supportive, funny friends.

3. I'm grateful for my health. 

4. I feel so lucky to be an artist, and to be part of a vibrant worldwide
     arts community.

5. Every day the news makes me more, and more aware about how
    lucky I am to live in Canada.

6. I'm grateful for my street and all the great neighbours who
    live here.

7. I'm grateful for my garden -- which is at its peak now.

8. I'm grateful for our three animals -- two sweet cats, and a dog
    who is going to take us out for a walk now

9. I feel so lucky to be part of a community that includes you,
    and I thank you for your support here.

10. And up at the top of the list -- I'm grateful for my kind,
     and loving husband.

Have a loving your life day.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Belated World Smile Day (which was on October 4)

Inktober sketch before Inktober existed
Marker on watercolour paper
12 x 9 inches
Barbara Muir ©
(Skype drawing from the 
Consumer Electronics Show

I noticed today that I missed World Smile Day on October 4, which is when
we are supposed to be kind to one another. (Yes I know that should be every
day -- but I am all for a day that encourages the practice.)

So I thought I'd look through my blog for images of people smiling, and found
this. It seems perfect because it's also the type of drawing I need to post for
Inktober.  Nicole was a great person. As I drew her live for the
Consumer Electronics Show, apparently we were displayed on a giant screen 
(I'm glad I didn't know). After that I did this more refined drawing.

I hope you will extend the World Smile Day celebrations until at least the end
of October, and spread kindness wherever possible. I know it might seem
frivolous when the world is in so much chaos, but I think kindness has never
been more important.

Have a loving your life day.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Inktober, Inktober Okay I'll start over


Journal Sketch -- 
Marker on journal paper
6 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2024

I drew another Inktober drawing today.  There's a lot going on -- so when
I went back to look at it, I realized it wasn't working.  This drawing of a
friend popped up in my sketchbook, and I thought -- yes!  I'll use that with a bit
more work.

It worked.  It is so cold tonight that I think I should bring the Mandevilla 
plants inside.  Last year we lost one on a cold night.  The other bloomed in
my studio all winter, and was quite the inspiration.

Have a loving your life day.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Sketch anyway

Journal Sketch -- 
Marker on journal paper
6 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2024

Okay, I admit that this was a difficult subject. I was using a very high contrast
black-and-white photo as a reference. I may try again. I think charcoal might’ve
suited the subject better. But here it is an Inktober drawing and a challenge.

I read somewhere recently that even if the drawing, sketch, painting isn’t working
 – keep on going. So I did. I’m laughing now, and the main thing is I did the sketch
 in about 20 concentrated minutes, and yes, I might try again. But as you know --
tomorrow is a new day.

Have a loving your life day.

Monday, October 7, 2024

What can art do?

Journal Sketch
marker on journal paper

6 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2024

We're on day 7 of the Inktober concept -- ink drawings for the
month of October. It's been a busy day and I haven't finished
a new drawing to show you, so I'll show you an older one that 
makes me happy -- from this summer.

The subject is a wonderful man heavily involved in the arts.
And that is all for tonight.

My question?  What can art do?  Art can reflect the incredible
beauty of the world, comfort us, calm us, and make us
understand the reason to keep creating, keep being loving,
keep trying to help the planet.  Quite a big role actually.

Try listening to some classical symphony music today. 
Uplifting is too mild a word for it.

Have a loving your life day.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

The cats' birthdays

Fiona (17) explores the chicken that
was behind her cake.
she doesn't eat cake, and the cake
crumbled before we could photograph it.

Monet (3) says give me that chicken.
No she did not eat any cake!
But she does feel very happy to be
part of a family that loves to celebrate.

Two of the great pleasures in our lives are our cats --Fiona and
Monet.  They are both female Tortie Point Siamese cats. Fiona just turned
17, and Monet is 3.  Their birthdays are both on October 4th as far
as we can determine, and every year we sing to them (and so does
our dog Sally), and give them some kind of special treat (roast chicken
is their favourite and take their photos in front of little cakes --pretending
that they will eat birthday cake, which of course they won't! (Cats can't
eat cake.)

So today we tried to do the cake thing.  We knew it was two days late, but it was
the first time we had the time. We may have another try at it, because the cake
crumbled, and one candle went out prematurely. But we sang, and they got
their roast chicken treat, and seemed very happy.

Have a loving your life day.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Saturday night is movie night


A self portrait ink drawing from
my teenage years,
that I
found today when we were 
looking through our storage room.
It's a bit rough, but very Inktober,
and I like the cranky look on her face.
I was wearing a big yellow, terry towel
robe, to put on over my bathing suit
after swimming in my parents' pool.
marker on drawing paper
7 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir ©

Saturday night is movie night at our house, so this will be short.  I wanted to
draw the prompt for today on Inktober, but didn't have time.  Saturday is always
a crazy, busy day for us.

I hope you had a wonderful day.

Have a loving your life day.

Friday, October 4, 2024

More Inktober

Loving the new kitten
Inktober drawing
Black marker on paper
5.5 x 8.5 inches
Barbara Muir © 2019

 It's Friday night.  I'm super tired. This is an Inktober drawing from 
2019, which suits my mood today. This is a portrait of me as a child,
using one of my father's fabulous photos as reference. 

I like the serious and loving expression.  Perfect for what's needed
today. The world is in chaos.  Let's be as loving as we can with
the people in our lives and the world. 

Have a loving your life day.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Inktober Day 3 -- Head to toe

Got my boot earrings on
Inktober drawing
Marker on drawing paper
5.5 x 8.5 inches
Barbara Muir © 2024 

The theme for today's Inktober drawing is boots. That made no
sense to me, and then I thought, "what if I do a portrait of someone
wearing boot earrings?" But I didn't want to do cowboy boot
earrings (believe me there are lots of them), so I thought I'd
draw a person wearing work boot earrings.

A bit awkward to figure out, but I'm okay with it.  I do 
ink drawings in October, but I don't usually follow the theme.
I'm more interested in making myself draw most of the time,
than in doing what's expected for Inktober.  Still I love the
idea of trying to make a drawing every day.  And I will
when I can.

Have a loving your life day.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

On the road today -- so more Inktober

Joyous Anemones
an Inktober drawing
Black marker on
Canson Mixed Media paper
5.5 x 8.5 inches
Barbara Muir © 2020

We were on the road for most of the day today, and just got home, so
here's a favourite Inktober from 2020.  We had a fabulous visit to London
town -- (Ontario), and a delightful trip.  The fields right now, combined
with slightly turning trees, very blue skies, and gorgeous clouds make
me want to take a million reference photos.  But they'd be blurry 
because Steven drove at a good clip.

The garden is ripe with mind blowing anemones right now.  So this
seems perfect.

Have a loving your life day. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

October means Inktober

We miss you
Marker on drawing paper
5 x 7 inches
Barbara Muir © 2024

In our family October heralds a host of celebrations. After Thanksgiving
(Canadian) on October 14, we have 4 family birthdays in 3 weeks!
One thing I love about October is Inktober.  I don't know if I'm 
following the official rules, but here's a marker (ink) drawing that
I did today.

I hope the beginning of your October has been great.  Mine has.

Have a loving your life day.

Monday, September 30, 2024

The Commission goes home

Our garden in bloom
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © 2024
(Not the final photo -- will get another one 

Today is a very happy day for me because my client came and picked up the commission.
It has been an intense job, and I am delighted that it made the collector happy.

The painting will be a present for the client's niece, so she sent a photo of the painting to
her niece right away, and her niece wrote back that she thinks it's beautiful.  Good
stories all round.  Wishing you a happy day.

Have a loving your life day.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Neighbourhood art

An inspiring day for sidewalk art
Barbara Muir © 2024

It was a beautiful day today -- the kind that inspires people to make art.  I have
(almost) finished my very complex painting. Yay! So we'll see.  And I was happy
to see other people having a great day making art.  So happy and delightful.

Have a loving your life day.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Dancing in my mind

Before the dance with the cat. Before the dance in the red dress. The Promise
Acrylic on canvas Acrylic on canvas Acrylic on canvas
All 3 are 36 x 48 inches
Barbara Muir © 2009 Barbara Muir © 2008 Barbara Muir © 2009

Saturday is always a crazy busy day. We go to the market for food
from the wonderful farmer in the morning or late morning. Then
we run around doing a number of tasks for most of the afternoon.
Tonight is movie night in our house, and I can’t tell you what we’ll
be watching because we haven’t decided yet.

The paintings tonight are a few that you’ve seen many times, that I'm
very happy with. They are about the time into their adult lives. I called it
the Dance series.

Ideally, Saturday night would be a great night for going to a dance,
but instead, we may just have to have a couple of short dances in the
kitchen before the movie.

Have a loving your life day.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Friday night is great


Let's talk
black marker on paper
5.5 x 8.5 inches
Barbara Mur © 2019

This wasn't what I was planning to show you tonight, but organizing
what I'd planned was taking way too long, and it's Friday night. Before
my significant other (Steven) gets too immersed in the sad news of the world,
it's time to take him out for an evening walk.

I like this drawing from Inktober five years ago.  She looks happy, and
I am too.  Happy that all is well for the moment.

Have a loving your life day.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Happy Birthday to my friend Raylea, and the youngest member of our family


Acrylic on Birch panel
5 x 7 inches
Barbara Muir © 2014
(Raylea was the model for this.)

Happy Birthday to my dear friend Raylea today.  This is one of my favourite
portraits. She was the model for this painting, and clearly inspiring.  It's also the 
youngest member of our family's birthday -- so a big day on the birthday

Wishing everyone who had a birthday today a great birthday, and happy year. 
It was a beautiful day here in Toronto.

Have a loving your life day.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

This painting makes me happy


Peach party
12 x 12 inches
Acrylic on canvas
Barbara Muir © 

As far as I'm concerned this painting is perfection, and I don't know that
I feel that way very often. I'm thinking a lot about the end of summer and fall,
as the first absolutely gorgeous blue morning glories have come out on
our neighbour's fence.  I'm grateful to our neighbours for letting us plant
the plants against our shared fence.   And they are fine with the vigorous
plant.  The morning glories are incredibly slow this year, but peach season is
long gone.

It was a very hot summer.  Yes climate change.  It would be wrong to
wish that the season could be extended, but on a perfect day like this
one was -- we could be forgiven.  

Wishing you a wonderful, creative week,

Have a loving your life day.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Happy Wedding Monthaversary Steven

Our dog Sally smelling the Cosmos
on our walk.
Barbara Muir © 2024

Today was a quiet Tuesday Monthaversary of our wedding -- something we notice (like the
Monthaversary of our first date) every month.  All day it was very rainy -- unlike the
photo.  We sat on our back porch with the dog and two cats enjoying the sound of the
rain and watching the birds navigate it.

Both of us were working on projects, so we sat together during breaks.  And although we
were very, very tired at the end of the day we went to Ikea (I love their salmon dinner), for
dinner.  Good choice, there was almost no one there. We have not been fans of crowds since
COVID, which is resurging.

We declared our love for each other, and now it's time for a bit of TV.  Dinner was delicious,
and we do feel extremely lucky to be married to one another.

Have a loving your life day. 

Monday, September 23, 2024

A day of sad and happy memories


Zoey the dog on Steven's lap in his office,
with Fiona the cat playing with her tail
Barbara Muir ©

We got introduced to the idea of owning a dog through an ad in the 
grocery store where we shopped every week.  Our kids asked us to
get the dog.  They would walk it. So before we knew it we were 
bringing home a puppy, and had entered the world of dog people.

I grew up with two different dogs, but before Zoey I thought of us
as cat people.

Zoey died 11 years ago today.  We went to the vet to have her put
to sleep, but she died before the vet could begin.  We were 
grateful. A month or so later we got Sally -- a very different dog,
who is also wonderful. 

Here's some great rules from dogs:

Seven things that dogs know:

1. Move forward -- the good stuff is all in front of you.

2. Each day is a good day, as long as you can go out in it.

3. There is no right season for turkey.

4. The best couch to sleep on, is the one you aren't
supposed to be on -- wait until no one is paying attention.
(We can't let Sally on our couches or beds, she will scratch them
and ruin the fabric trying to make a bed.)

5. Every day is a play day.

6. Let the people you love know you're ecstatic when
they come in the door.

7. If you can't have a run, walk, and if you can't
have a walk, sleep.

We are grateful that we had Zoey in our lives for 13 years,
and that we have Sally, who is beloved by us and our

Have a loving your life day.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Happy Monthaversary of our first date


Steven and I on the Seine in Paris in 2022
on a boat cruise organized by the
curators of the show I was in in the

It is our Monthaversary of our first date.  As I've said before it was a very jovial beginning
to our life together -- going out for dinner to a restaurant that used to be on Yonge Street
in Toronto. Steven and I have been together since that first date.  We fell in love instantly.
How lucky we have been.

I found a very serious blog I wrote in one of my early years blogging, and it seems right
for tonight.  Wishing you love and creativity.

"The art versus math debate

Remember the experiments we all had to study in
psychology 101, so grim that they made most of us drop out
and take up -- acting, accounting, writing, or even...painting. It
seemed like countless numbers of Rhesus monkeys
were deprived of their mothers and raised by
either cloth or wire mesh surrogates. A program the other
 night brought it back to me. The behavioural psychologists
discovered again and again and again that the babies were
more social if they were raised on cloth (soft fuzzy), than
wire mesh, and oddly enough much better at
socializing when raised by their own mothers.

After listening to part of a program about the important
findings of that old research I made the link between
the tragedy of the many monkeys used in that research and
the way that government institutions like schools treat
children in our "civilized societies." I have a friend who's a
public school teacher, trained in art, who can't teach
art anymore, because 'the school (in a poor area) doesn't
have the resources or time to maintain an art program.'

The Rhesus monkeys raised on metal became
violent. Children schooled without
opportunities for expression develop, low
self-esteem, a fear of creativity, and an
inability to believe that art is important.

Turns out creativity is a huge determinant in
the vitality of an economy and the safety of cities.
Richard Florida who wrote Who's Your City says
that cities rich in art activities are the most economically
and socially viable, and also the most tolerant.
Guess where he picked to live? Toronto. But
the current government and the world economic
situation could affect future generations in this
vibrant town, because education in the arts in
general is taking a back seat to what the general
public believes creates jobs -- science and math.
When in fact studies show that art and music classes
improve performance in the sciences and math.

Melinda of Melinda's Moments of Clarity says that"art and
beauty will save the world."
It's time we artists spread the word.

Have a helping a non-artist-friend-like-art day."

I loved reading that post.
Have a loving your life day.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Last day of summer


Market Flowers
Barbara Muir © 2024

Yes I did paint today.  We also went to the Brick Works market, and I bought
these beauties.  I have been too busy to arrange them.  It is the last day of 
summer, and we went to the lake, and saw our duck and seagull friends.

The Gardener Expressway is shut down this weekend, and I think every
Toronto resident was out in their car.  The trip to the lake took hours. 
Worth it? Yes. We did quite a bit of singing in the car.

Happy end of summer.  She was a hot one.  Still we had so much fun!

Have a loving your life day!

Friday, September 20, 2024

Friday night -- another paint-all-day-day


In the kitchen researching for the doctorate
Black marker on bond paper
12 x 14 inches
Barbara Muir © 2010

I know I've shown this drawing more than once.  It's because
I really like it. It's of a young woman named Julia who lived
in our neighbourhood.

Here's what I wrote about the drawing in a former blog:

Julia was actively working on her doctorate while
I drew her.  She helped me with all kinds of things in my
home and studio.  Brilliant and beautiful, Julia is now married
and has children.

I loved being around her.  She was quietly capable, and
clearly just trying to keep her genius on the quiet.  
We shared a love of cats, flowers and words.

Have an enjoying your busyness day."

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Enjoy the flowers


Ken's flowers
acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir 2009

Sometimes what happened last year repeats itself.  You know that.  It's
been another very busy day, and this painting I posted a year ago seems
like the perfect image focusing on beauty. Our house is always full of 
flowers.  And the garden is magnificent right now.  These are flowers I
painted in the Maritimes 15 years ago.

Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The beauty of the countryside


Yellow fields
Acrylic ink and pencil
on watercolour paper
5 x 7 inches
Barbara Muir © 2022

There are some days as a painter when you hardly get to go outside.  Today
was like that.  And it was a beautiful day.  I'd go out for a couple of minutes,
and then back to the studio.  Yes. The painting I'm working on is coming along.

I love this painting, and I love what it captures -- the beauty of the breathtaking
drive past farmland along the St. Lawrence River in Quebec.  I am
ready to get out into the countryside again.  Yes!

Have a loving your life day.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Best Practices

Journal Sketch
marker on journal paper

6 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2024

I know I've talked about the practice of doing a sketch in the morning
as I drink my coffee before, but it is on my mind today because
I write two pages, and then on good days draw a portrait on one, 
ending up with three journal pages.  So I whip through the beautiful
spiral bound journals I buy at Type Books in Forest Hill Village in
Toronto.  The fabulous artist Nick Rubi is the manager at that store
on Spadina, and he ordered me more of those beautiful journals. 

They're lined so my drawings are not on unlined paper, but it doesn't
matter. They are perfect journals -- so I bought 3 more today. 
Check out Nick Rubi's very cool art on Instagram at the link I 
gave you above.

When I write the two pages, and do the drawing I usually have
a more creative day.  It's like I've already got the day moving
in the direction that makes me happy.

This is a super quick morning sketch.  I like the serious expression
on the man's face.  And of course I like the suit look -- very New York City.

Have a loving your life day.

Monday, September 16, 2024

What’s in a name?

Self portrait sketch
Me as a teenager
Watercolour on
 watercolour paper
11 x 14 inches
Barbara Muir ©

 Ever since I met Alessandra, Mascitti, (who was the wonderful co-ordinator
for the Russo brothers when they exhibited artists like me in the Carousel du Louvre
exhibitions) I have wanted to change my first name from Barbara to Alessandra.
 I won’t be doing this, but when I write a note to my husband, I sign it Barbara
and then in a separate space Alessandra, Gloria Galletti. Galletti (many different
spellings) was the family name of my Italian great, great, great grandmother. And
Alessandra Gloria Galletti is the name I wish I could have.

Few people understand this because my regular name -- Barbara Muir --has been
good to me, so they believe, (understandably) that I should be happy with it.
And I am. But if I could wave a magic wand and change my name -- enough said.

I met an artist the other day who completely understood what I meant. She has
decided to sign her artwork with the name, Amaryllis. Her real name is Maria,
but she finds that that name is not exciting enough. We bonded instantly.
This new friend calls me Alessandra and I call her Amaryllis. Which is funny.

She pointed out that so many actors and musicians have made up new names
for themselves, and asked was there any reason we couldn’t? I suppose I have a long
list of reasons, but the whole conversation was fun.

I was looking for a self portrait to illustrate tonight's blog, and this sketch
seemed perfect.  I don't ever even remember wearing my hair up, and of course
I'm blonde now -- so she does look like a different person. 

Have a loving your life day.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

The pleasure of anemones

A gift of anemones
watercolour and acrylic on 
watercolour paper
8 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2020

It's taken me 3/4 of an hour to be allowed to get into my blog to write
to you tonight.  But anemones were my theme, because we had part of
our family over for a gathering mostly in the garden near our huge 
patch of blooming absolutely beautiful Fall blooming anemones.

We have all been sick with this or that, mostly colds, and some of us
were still coughing, but we figured even if we all don't feel great, it
would be lovely to see one another.  So the children played next
to the lovely backdrop of anemones on a hot September day.
I hope you are well, and that you had a wonderful weekend.

Have a loving your life day.

Portrait Artist

My photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I paint and draw on commission and for shows. To commission a portrait, or purchase one of my paintings please contact me at:
A major highlight in my career? Drawing Oprah Winfrey live via Skype for her show "Where in the Skype are you? Galleries: Studio Vogue Gallery, Toronto, Canada. The Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York City. Gallery at the Porch Door, Kingston, Canada. Your positive comments on this blog mean the world to me. I'd love to hear from you!