Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Happy Holiday in a Zoom world

Sisters in a Zoom landscape
iPad drawing
8 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2020

Such a strange time to be alive in the world.
After class tonight, partially on Zoom, I thought
about how much we long to get out of these
computer boxes, and to see one another.  The
urge is overwhelming, and yet where it's
happening too fast things are rolling back,
and restrictions are increasing.

In any summer before COVID, I would be with
friends or family on this holiday. We would be
travelling to see my brother.  But none of that makes 
sense.  So on the upside, we can see one another in the
lense of a computer, or phone camera.  My
drawing is about how this doesn't tell the
whole story.  I miss my sister.  It was a 
friend's birthday today.  I miss my brother. I miss
my children.

Happy holiday.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Thinking about my baby

The Life Changer
Black marker on drawing paper
11 x 14 inches
Barbara Muir © 2014
This week is the week of Canada Day on July 1.  Fire crackers are
already going off in the neighbourhood at sunset.
People are putting up Happy Canada Day signs on
their lawns.  We're wondering where we put our flag, because
we'd like to hang it up.  The front of our house is already
white, with red shutters, (white and red are the colours of
the Canadian Flag), so we've got the theme going.

But for me Canada Day will always mean something infinitely
more important.  Because Canada Day was also the day I
went into the hospital because I was having labour pains.
I had my baby boy, Christopher, the next day.

This image is of a mother and child looking at one
another after the birth for the first time.  That mother
and child are me and Christopher.  Yes I wasn't always
blonde.  The drawing is far from perfect, but I think
it gets that shock, absolute love, and wonder on the
mother's face, and the shock of being in the world --
and "who are you? " on the baby's face.

And what a delight that baby, now a grown man, is in our

Happy Birthday Week Christopher.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

June = peonies and nectarines

Peonies in a Victorian jug 
Black marker on bond paper
12 x 14 inches
Barbara Muir © 

We should tell ourselves this in January or February
when it feels like winter will never end.  June will
come in Canada -- and with it the most beautiful
flowers -- peonies, and one of the most delicious
fruits -- nectarines.

For artists there is the extra thrill of trying to paint
these beauties before they disappear for another
year.  Our kitchen has been filled with peonies
given to us by our neighbours for the past two
weeks.  How exquisite.

And in a deep blue bowl on the counter there
have been nectarines. It has been one of the busiest
months of my life, with teaching online, and
overlapping courses.  But there have been these
lovely pleasures -- the gorgeous days outside, and
a feeling of infinite abundance in the kitchen.

I love peonies.  And I love this image I found
working on drawing them in line. This was
in preparation for a painting, that I've shown
you before, and I'll show you again another

Meanwhile, July is coming, and so much
work is heating up.  I went to the art store today
for the first time since March.  Masks, hand sanitizer,
masks, and on me gloves and a mask. And what a delight
to talk to some of the people there who I have
missed in the past four months.  More to come.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

An addiction to -- coffee

After Breakfast -- More Coffee?
Black marker on Moleskine paper
8 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2015
As addictions go, coffee is a good one.  It gets you up,
moving and thinking, tastes amazing, and usually is
served, or you serve it in wonderful cups and mugs.

I am a fan.  I've been blessed with drinking my favourite
beverage (yes!) all over the world.  And I know
we frequently return to coffee shops and restaurants
where the coffee is good.

Of course now, we can't travel, and still in Toronto
restaurants aren't open for sit down meals. But I
can dream.  Coffee in Paris, Florence, New York City --
all good. Wonderful. Because like everything else,
atmosphere and surroundings, and people make
it better.

Best coffee?  Oh -- a hard choice -- I would say coffee
at home. And after that I do love drinking coffee
in the morning in a hotel room with my sweetheart.

Friday, June 26, 2020

A wonderful art event -- The Gasp Experience

This is one stage in the GASP process.
I was photographing the paintings
in progress with my phone,
on my laptop screen so the 
photos only can give you an idea of
that was happening.
Watercolour on paper
Georgia Fullerton © 2020

This is a later stage in the process.
The painting is wonderful,
but I photographed the image
on my computer with
my phone, so you don't quite
get the full beauty of it.  

Tonight Georgia Fullerton hosted a Zoom celebration to introduce her
GASP Expressive Art Therapy process.  GASP stands for Georgia's
Art Story Process.  Clients fill out a questionnaire about themselves --
their wishes, and what they believe is holding them back.

Georgia explained the process to her guests on Zoom, and then began
a Gasp painting for one of the people in the audience.  As she painted
she described the meaning of the colours and lines she was putting
on the paper.  It was magnificent to watch her in action.  She is
a beautiful painter, but also every line, every colour had significance,
because it was about the person she was creating it for.

One guest put people's reactions perfectly at the end of the evening
when the prices for the process were presented to us.  She said
she'd much rather book a group Gasp for her family, than pay for
another set of Walmart family photos. With GASP each client not
only comes away with a beautiful painting, but also with a deeper
understanding of themself.

Thank you Georgia for a wonderful night.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Happy Birthday to my friend Georgia Fullerton -- June 26!

Continuous Play
Georgia Fullerton © 2019

Happy Birthday Georgia,

By the time this blog is published -- after my class is over, and dinner, and
marking and chores, it will be your birthday.  For those of you who don't
know Georgia's wonderful work, check it out. You will love it.

For her birthday Georgia is holding a G55 Forum live.  There will be
writers, theatre people, and major figures in the arts speaking on
Zoom.  Plus Georgia is going to reveal her GASP process -- Georgia's
Art Story Process, (you will get to watch her paint) and I know you will
be amazed. There may still be tickets left.  You can register here:

I am going to that forum via Zoom and looking forward to it.
The link for that is:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2579946578

Happy, Happy Birthday Georgia.  You are amazing, wonderful,
the best artist, a super friend, and I wish you a superb day.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Happy Anniversary Steven

The two of us in Quebec City
watercolour and marker on
watercolour paper
9 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2013
June 24 is a special day for Steven and me.  It's the day we got
married, and we'll always remember how happy and excited we
were to fall in love, and to celebrate that love with family and
friends at our wedding.

Today I had to work, but took frequent breaks to enjoy the
day with Steven.  It was a magnificent summer day,
switching from cool, to warm, cloudy to sunny, dry to rain, and at
one point the day served up a gorgeous rainbow.  Steven
and I of course felt lucky to have that happen on our
anniversary.  We knew it was meant for us.
A gorgeous rainbow over 
the school playground 
across the street helped
us celebrate
I feel so happy that this wonderful man loves me, and I
love him.  Thank you to the universe for the gift of
lasting love.

The two of us in Paris by
the Seine five years ago.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The incredible art of Michael Gibson

Drawing by Michael Gibson
Michael doesn't seem to use
titles for his drawings.
This drawing was inspired by the
Michael Gibson © 2020

"I was having a conversation today and I was sharing how God 
“the voice inside of me” gives me direction on when to start a drawing, 
when to set one aside and pick up another. Some people call it intuition
but my experience has been far stronger, so I can’t call it that. 
I truly believe that it’s God whispering to me gently nudging me towards
a path that is only meant for me. I only pray that I will always have ears
 to hear," writes Michael Gibson on his Instagram site Michaelcgibson

One of the miracles of the social media world that I've appreciated since
I joined that world in 2008, is the wonder of seeing the works of artists
I've never met, but whose work is equal to the best drawing and painting
ever created.  One of those artists is Michael Gibson. I've been following
Michael's art since I first discovered his work maybe two years ago.
He is an amazing artist. What he does with a pencil, is something I've rarely seen
any artist accomplish.  He creates sensitive, moving portraits, and says that,
his, "primary goal is to capture that which we cannot see -- thoughts, feelings,
emotions, the soul and spirit."

Drawing by Michael Gibson
Michael Gibson © 2020
This drawing was also
inspired by photographs on
When I see a new drawing of Michael's emerging on Instagram (see the link above),
I am deeply moved.  As an artist I am blown away by his talent, but it's more than
that. Michael does powerful, short videos as he develops a drawing, with words
that are deeply affecting. He makes me care about and wish I could meet the people
he portrays.

Thank you Michael for letting me write about you.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Endings and beginnings

Charcoal on watercolour paper
9 x 12 inches
Barbara Muir © 2017
Tonight is the end of term on one fast track course I'm teaching online, and
tomorrow a new one begins.  So I am flat out working to see
one course through, and make sure the new one opens as smoothly
as possible.

I'm posting a sketch of a former student, now a friend.
Once in a while a student keeps in touch with me after a course
is finished, and that is always a pleasure.

Pooja has come out to art shows, visited us at home, and she
is a wonderful friend. I did this sketch preparatory to doing a
portrait painting.  Then her schedule and mine got too busy for
us to make time to finish it.  Pooja is a frontline Health Care
worker -- one of the people we are honouring when we make
noise in our neighbourhoods at 7 or 7:30 p.m.

To our Health Care workers during COVID-19.  Thank you
for your wonderful work. Thank you Pooja.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

To my sweet husband on Father's Day

You can't keep a good man down
Acrylic ink and acrylic on canvas
36 x 48 inches
Barbara Muir © 2020

This drawing was done for the Figure Show at the Heliconian Club, which
I joined last year.  The show opened in February before we locked down
for COVID-19, and I'm glad we enjoyed that opening.  It is my favourite
drawing of Steven -  because it looks like him, and he is happy in the 
drawing.  The photo reference I used was from a wonderful opening
at Catch the Moments Gallery in Niagara Falls in 2019.  

The title now seems prescient, although it wasn't.  Who knew that we would
be in lockdown for 90 days, or that the end would not at all be in sight now? Through
this time, spending more time than ever together because I teach online from
home now, Steven and I have stayed happy.  Our children are a big part of that. 
 And on Father's Day I am happy to say that Steven had two distanced parties
with the family, one in the backyard last Thursday with the whole
family, and another today on our back porch, and then under the trees at the
back of the yard with Sam.  

I am grateful to my sons, to my daughter-inlaw, to my son's girlfriend,
to the new generation for their kindness and generosity, and to Steven
for making this time in lockdown as happy as possible, given that all
he would like is to for everything to be more like it was before, but with the
social changes that we all want.

Happy Father's Day to the fathers.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Happy Father's Day weekend

Portrait of my father 
black marker on bond paper
7 x 9 inches
Barbara Muir © 2010

Dear Dad,

I miss you every day. You would be happy to know that after
Christopher, we were blessed to have another son, Sam.
They have grown up to be wonderful young men.  You would have
loved them so much.

Your influence on me has been major, as my main loves like
yours were,  are art and writing.  I feel that I owe you so much.
I too love being near water, and in the countryside, and
like it did for you, that has inspired my work, and
been a pleasure for my family.

Love you,


Friday, June 19, 2020

To the fathers -- your children's love

Let's get this party started!
First in the Times Tables series
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © 2013

Here is a detail of a painting I complete 7 years ago.  It was part of a
Times Tables series -- actually centered around this family. The
father holding his baby son, is standing behind his daughters with
his wife at the table.

With the focus of the table in three paintings I showed the whole
family together in one painting, the mother holding her baby as
she typed on her computer at the table in another, and the parents
having tea together when the day is over and they have some time
alone in a third.  It was a very joyous series, and a delight to create.

This is Father's Day weekend in a time of COVID-19. Many fathers
won't get to see, or hug their children, and I feel for them.  And
the fathers with their families, working from home through the
lockdown, have faced the challenge of non-stop time with their
children.  It is hard to find balance right now.  Happy Father's
Day weekend to all the fathers.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

More sketches

Video sketches
Black markers on Pentalic paper
5.5 x 8 inches each
Barbara Muir © 2020

I love the expressions on these video sketches.  They are
super fast.  And from one day to the next, even though
the drawings are so similar, they feel different too.

We had a short, very distanced Father's Day party
today, and it was delightful.  There were two Dads
at our party, and they both enjoyed the cake and
ice cream.  Plus one of the youngest family members
got her first bike today, and was she ever delighted.

Some people down the street were giving it away, and
it was perfect for its new owner.  She was on it,
and almost racing right away (with training wheels.)

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Speaking of Daddies -- mine was a great photographer

Life on the dock
Black and white photograph
William Wallace Muir ©

We might have an early Father's Day celebration -- social distanced -- outside, 
tomorrow. But thinking about that I was going through a box of my father's
photos, and found this.  He not only had an eye, and a love of
design.  It is so clear how much he loved the peace and quiet of
being by a lake in the country.  I certainly share his love of being
by water.

So this is my photo linked to Father's Day.  I miss my father
all the time.  Love you Daddy.  What an incredible artist you
were with a camera.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

More Video sketches and a bad milk splash

YouTube Sketches
Black marker on Pentalic paper
Each on is 5.5 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2020

Here are a few more YouTube sketches.  I am watching short
speeches for work, and drawing while I do.  It is
exciting in all ways.  Watching and listening is inspiring.
And when the five minutes are over -- there's something
to look at.

Once the sketch is there in the very rough, I may go back
and add some contrast.  But these are quick, and they make
me happy.

Not much more to say tonight.  In the midst of this process
my cat knocked over an almost empty (thank goodness)
glass of milk onto my computer, and a hand hooked rug.
The rug will be fine, but I held my laptop upside down
trying to get the milk out!  And I am in the middle of
marking.  How do you like that for an excuse (I have
heard everything on my end). " I couldn't mark your
papers because my cat spilled milk on the computer."

So fingers crossed.  I did blow dry it for a minute.  
And it's working now.  

Monday, June 15, 2020

YouTube sketches

YouTube Sketches
black marker on Pentalic paper
5.5 x 8 inches x 3 drawings
Barbara Muir © 2020
As a former "Skype Sketcher" dubbed that by the Chicago
journalist and photographer Howard Wolinsky, I find YouTube more
complicated.  It is, and it is also wonderfully social.  So I 
wondered, what if I tried my old Skype sketching on YouTube?

Here's the result.  There are more, and maybe I'll show them another
day. We live in a strange time.  We are meeting people we may
never see in the flesh on our computers, and having engaging
conversations.  Skype was the same way, but it was mostly one
on one. People find YouTube and Zoom exhausting, but also know that's
how people are meeting safely today.

Stay healthy, stay well and keep protesting please.  There
is major work to do.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

The tired diaries

Art group painting sketch
acrylic on canvas
12 x 16 inches
Barbara Muir © 2009
Going through my blog tonight looking for posts
about being tired, there are some -- well there are
quite a few.  Not as many as I might expect.  But also
even in those posts about being exhausted -- there were
some nice drawings and paintings.  Maybe it's not such a
bad thing to be tired.

I love this sketch I found in one of my
posts about being exhausted.  It's so cheery --
and that's because it's a painting I did with my
art group on a Tuesday night.  That is not a
possibility at the moment, because of the
lockdown, but it will be.  Being with the art group
on portrait night is always exciting, even though
I usually just stay for an hour.

I am a bit tired tonight -- a lot going on.  So
I hope you have a great sleep, and I will see
you tomorrow.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Finished - I think

A Day at the Lake
Acrylic on canvas
24 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir © 2020
I'm reading the book Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes.
It's comforting to know that the writer who
wrote the TV series -- Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice,
Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder
gets anxious being interviewed for talk shows, and
doesn't like speaking in public. But she challenged
herself to do just that. The book has inspired me.

I went into the studio today and worked on this
piece that I have loved since I did a smaller
painting planning it.  But it wasn't quite done.
I think it might be now.  It is a scene from a park
we visit on the banks of Lake Ontario.  For
people who love the water, like we do,
having this incredible, large, park -- like
a nature reserve to visit on the edge of our
busy city, is such a gift.

I think this painting is done.  You never know.
We artist types are all about questions,
"How to? Where to? Should I? What's next?"
So maybe sometimes we should let it go. And
miraculously sometimes we do.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Little video for a night off

Hi everyone,

It was a beautiful day today.  I worked all day like
so many of you.  I am teaching a course that should
take six hours a week -- but probably takes 10
times that because it's online instead of in the
classroom.  So I don't get outside often.

But when I do!  This artist's eyes are so delighted
by the sights and sounds of nature all around
me.  I have not gardened.  When I'm not teaching,
or spending a stolen moment on art, I am
so steeped in news that I think about what's
happening all the time.  And that is as it should

So this video is basically my way of saying Hi.
Thank you to our wonderful neighbours for the
flowers that would otherwise languish because
they are away social distancing.

Keep protesting, keep demanding change.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

My supportive community -- I am so grateful

Wonder Water Image #2
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © 2014

When I was working on my Wonder Water series of people against
their favourite ocean settings, Solana Cain, featured in the painting
above sent me several photos of herself, for reference and 
recommended friends, who sent me photos too.  As an artist
herself, she got what I was going for and I had a super time
painting her. She is so kind. A talented photographer,
she now works photo editing for our top national newspaper.

So I was delighted when her mother bought this painting, 
and the portrait of her sister, for their birthdays about a 
year ago.  The day she came to get them, and was so 
pleased,  telling me that I'd done such a good job, stands out
in my mind as one of the happiest days in my life 
as an artist.  

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Wonder in sorrow

This is what Chu said on Facebook
"My painting featured @ George Floyd’s funeral 
at the Fountain of Praise, Houston TX. June 9, 2020. 
‘True Glory’. 14 ft High X 72 ft wide. 

Acrylics on single piece canvas."

Chu Okoli, an amazing artist I met at the Florence Biennale
in 2015 painted the painting hung at the Fountain of Praise in
Houston, Texas where George Floyd's funeral service was held.

This is the photo Chu sent me of the painting in place. And
you can see how magnificent it is.  I've loved Chu's art from our
first meeting in Florence.  There could not be a sadder
time, or a more moving one.  I'm glad Chu's work
was part of it. He is both a super person, and wonderful
artist.  And I'm sure his beautiful painting lent some
grace and hope to a tragically sad service. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Sketches from the waiting room -- things have changed

We're Okay
Black marker on Fringe drawing paper
9 1/2 x 5 3/4 inches
Barbara Muir © 2017
Tomorrow a family member needs to be in hospital for
a vital treatment. In the current time because of COVID-19,
that is a lonely visit.  Family members can't be there.

Start again
Black marker on 
Fabriano paper
8 1/4 x 6 1/4 (cropped)
Barbara Muir © 2015
Here are some sketches from past visits. It won't look
like this now. Everyone will be wearing masks.  I
am grateful to all the front line workers, carrying on
treating patients, and maintaining a safe environment.
Nudge (I call this Nudge -- because that was the book 
the man was reading. )
Black marker on 
Maison De Hautes Couleurs Charvin Paris paper
6 1/2 x 8 inches 
Barbara Muir © 2017

Stay healthy and stay safe.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Missing the ocean on World Oceans Day

Wonder Water Image #6
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © 2015
(The model for this painting is
a wonderful young woman.  Click here
to read more.)
The first time I saw the ocean was when I visited my sister in
Philadelphia and we went to the Jersey shore.  The ocean was
so magnificent, and I'd never seen it. I was hooked. I have loved
being near the ocean since that time, and have in some ways
worked with my husband to design our life around it.  We have a
rustic little school house near Pugwash, Nova Scotia, and when we are
there we go to our favourite beach every day, rain or shine.
This year with the pandemic shutting down borders, and making
long distance travel questionable, we may not get there.

All I know is that our oceans are so beautiful. The mesmerizing sound
of the waves is addictive and calming. And there are so many fascinating
creatures living on the beach and in the water.

 We need to save our oceans from the plastic onslaught we've
been subjecting them to. The wonderful woman in this painting
is working hard on making this a better world.  Thank you

Sunday, June 7, 2020

All small steps

The studio in action
Barbara Muir © 2020
My studio is not one that should ever be photographed.
It has been of course.  Ten years ago it was on a bunch
of TV shows.  At that point a wonderful young woman
in the neighbourhood would come over and "style" it
a bit, make it more orderly.

But in real vibrant life, it is not tidy, not neat, not beautiful,
except to me -- especially when I don't have enough time to be
in it.  Creativity, and the creative process are not always
pretty.  But the results can be worth the mess.

I am working on making myself spend time each
day either drawing or painting.  The world, and the teaching
work I'm doing does weigh on me.  And outside it is an
absolutely beautiful time of year.  I am not the artist
bolstered by the quiet time of the virus, but I am
working on wading through it to somewhere new,
like all of the wonderful people I know who are doing
the same.  I am so proud of you.

We all need to work together -- and so many people
I know believe that out of this enforced quiet, and
the protests against racism, and police brutality and
murder -- change is going to happen.  We are ready.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Try listening

Slow down time
Charcoal on bond paper
Skype drawing
8 1/2 x 11 inches
Barbara Muir © 2012

I like this drawing of my son Sam from 8 years ago.  He was talking to
me on Skype at the end of the day, and was getting up and biking
to work at a Starbucks to open the store at 5 in the morning.  He was tired,
like we all are now. 

Things looked up for him after this.  He moved into a house with a bunch 
of kids he liked, and had fun for the rest of his university studies.
What I like about the drawing is the fact that he is listening.
And he's good at it.  

It seems to me, living in a family of talkers.  As teachers, actors,
project managers, film directors, writers -- we know how to talk.
That is a lucky break for us.  And at this time in our world, it's
also important to listen.  Hear what people are saying, and figure
out what to do. And that's about all of it.  I was happy to
see that the mayor of D.C. ordered a huge Black Lives Matter 
message to be painted in bright yellow on the street leading to
the White House. I was happy to see so many protests taking place.
Change is happening.  If we listen, there is hope in the air.

Friday, June 5, 2020

UN World Environment Day -- time for change

The view tonight
Photo from my phone
Barbara Muir © 2020
It feels like the world is in total chaos. I must admit
I have been deeply saddened by the horrific news coming
out of all of North America.  So this is World
Environment Day.  I went outside on my back
porch tonight to take a breath, and saw this.
I would love to paint it if I knew how.  But to
me it says the light is coming.

Change is coming.  We are going to put an
end to unimaginable racist police brutality and
murder, and we are marching together for a new
reality.  Thank you for protesting.

Thank you for every caring human being on
the planet. Let's show our love for one another,
and help one another.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Long past time to change

A Protester
iPad drawing (with my finger)
8 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2020

Here's to the protestors all over the world.  All over the United States, Canada,
Europe.  We have had it with police brutality to black people, and people
of colour.  We have had it with an unequal justice system.  We've had it
with any form of racism, and of all the ways racism is affecting people's
lives, health, and killing innocent people.  The world needs to change and move
out of centuries of horrific abuse.

It must stop.  We must join together in love, and recognize that society
can't continue this way.

Take care and be safe protestors.  Thank you.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The joy of a walk and this was a super assignment

Tobias and the tigers
acrylic on canvas
18 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir © 2009
Teaching these days is taking up a lot of time.  I bought a
Fitbit and found out I'm not moving enough because I'm glued
(no not literally) to the computer, and my phone.  So today between
tasks I asked Steven if we could go for a walk just before class
started this evening.  It was so beautiful. There were gorgeous Irises
and poppies in so many gardens, and the trees are fabulous in their
summer fullness.

While we were walking we met Jason Sealy, Tobias's father.  I painted
Tobias for HGTV's Pure Design show with Samantha Pym in
2009.  It was wonderful to see Jason.  Tobias's sister was with her Dad.
I don't know her name, but there's a chance that when my current
teaching slows down that I will get to paint her portrait when she was
a little girl around the same age as Tobias in the painting. She must be
about 11 now, but Carm (her mom) and Jason want a portrait
of her as a young child to go with the portrait of Tobias.

That would be so much fun, and is something to
look forward to in a time of intense teaching online,
and social isolation.  Sometimes in the current world
it's hard to find a happy thought.  I'm glad I had a walk
today and got to talk to Jason briefly.

Have a looking forward to the future day.

Monday, June 1, 2020

The excitement of teaching -- now a new paradigm

Black marker on Fabriano paper
6 x 8 1/4 inches
Barbara Muir © 2018
Sometimes sketches are the best way to go.  These sketches
remind me of the people, even though I don't remember their
names.  I've been teaching tonight -- all on Zoom.  It's a
different world -- not the same for anyone, but we're 
all working remotely on being a class in a pandemic.

I know
Black marker on Fabriano paper
6 x 8 1/4 inches
Barbara Muir © 2018

Hard at work
black marker on Moleskine paper
9 x 6 inches
Barbara Muir © 2011
As the spring unfolds in incredible magnificence, this 
hard strange year is almost half over. Stay safe people.

Thank you for being there for me.

Portrait Artist

My photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I paint and draw on commission and for shows. To commission a portrait, or purchase one of my paintings please contact me at: barbara.muir@sympatico.ca
A major highlight in my career? Drawing Oprah Winfrey live via Skype for her show "Where in the Skype are you? Galleries: Studio Vogue Gallery, Toronto, Canada. The Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York City. Gallery at the Porch Door, Kingston, Canada. Your positive comments on this blog mean the world to me. I'd love to hear from you!