may last a bit longer. But some of the trees are losing their leaves early, so I don't know.
Hope springs eternal.
prep for parents, and students across the country. We are planning some trips to the lake,
I've called my favourite store manager at Type Books on Spadina to order more
journals because I'm going through them at a pretty quick pace. Writing 2 or 3 pages
in a journal as I drink my morning coffees (3), and do a quick sketch, gets my day
off to a good start. So I'm trying to keep going.
I like this sketch of a guy sitting in a café in Paris, because he looks so Parisian --
the elegant scarf, tied the way only Parisian men seem to be able to achieve. And even
his winter coat -- what you can see -- is an elegant wool trench coat. Thinking about
Paris always makes me happy. Last night we visited with friends and that's
what we talked about. The best.
Have a loving your life day.
I had a very busy day today getting ready, working on applying for a show at
the Heliconian opening next week.
Then this evening we visited friends across the street to talk about Paris. Could
there be a better topic. They served delicious French cheese and wine, and we had
a lovely time. This photo brings back happy memories of one of my favourite
cafés in Paris.
Have a loving your life day.
Nasturtiums today
Acrylic ink on
watercolour paper
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2024
(The photo colour is not right. I'll try
again tomorrow.)
It is hot here, and muggy, and the garden is thriving. Rain is expected,
which means I won't have to water. So I ventured out into the heat and
picked some nasturtiums. Get to know us. We always have flowers.
So it's nice when I can just walk out to the back garden and pick some.
I thought I'd do a very fast nasturtiums painting. So I drew it first and then
started adding acrylic ink. Nothing can compete with the vibrancy of the
nasturtium colours, but here it is. And it was fun to do.
Have a loving your life day.
We were very late getting in tonight, and had some computer issues. This is a very
busy week. I'm working on quite a few projects. This is one. I painted this very
quickly years ago, so a print could be made for Jesca (the portrait subject) to
give to her on her birthday.
Now I'm revising it -- for a show in the Heliconian Club called Encounters. Jesca
will make a super addition to the exhibition. I hope she is having a wonderful life.
Have a loving your life day.
Flowers of the day
Dear blog friends, I am working on a very time consuming, detailed
painting. So please come on the journey with me through my blog land
to enjoy work from that world sprinkled now and then
with current drawings until this sweet work is finished.
I love this painting, small as it is of people walking on the boardwalk
in Quebec City. What's funny is that most of the time I am not a fan of
green (except in nature), but these three stood out for me, and clearly
stood out in the crowd.
This year passing through Quebec City it was too hot to walk on the
boardwalk. And when we drove by it was not busy. Not the
norm for sure.
Have a loving your life day.
The Way Gone Made Clear
A Restored 19th Century Wagon
Now a magnificent piece
of artwork by
Georgia Fullerton © 2023
Today Steven and I drove to Pickering to visit the Pickering Museum for the unveiling of our friend. Georgia Fullerton‘s amazing work The Way Gone Made Clear.
Georgia was asked to create meaningful artistic decorations for a wagon formerly used
to bring slaves to Canada. What she did with graphite, acrylic paint gel, tans, 3-D design,
and digital work is truly awesome.
Georgia says that the work is a “vehicle for change that stands for promises and perseverance.
Triumph over trauma. Education over ignorance and racialized historical teachings.
And the hardships, the 'displanted' settlers of Upper Canada had to overcome.”
I hope you will go and see the work if you are in the Toronto/Pickering region.
It is exceptionally moving.
We loved meeting Georgia’s mother, who is visiting from Jamaica, and her sister
who came from Calgary, and to see her daughter India again, who has been my
model twice, and to meet some of Georgia's wonderful friends. An amazing event.
Have a loving your life day
Love this little painting -- maybe I should do a big one. This sums up
what we saw on our trip across Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and
Nova Scotia. Canada you are so beautiful.
I was working on a special painting today, and we spent a fun evening
having wine and cheese with friends on their front porch. So delightful.
Have a loving your life day.
It's been that kind of run around day you dream of, where every
chore gets accomplished, easily, effortlessly, and with quite a lot
of fun -- like the sweet guy at the LCBO that is not the fancy one
who found us Sancerre that was not available at all at the fancy
liquor store.
Which is to say -- no time yet for painting. I found this photo from
when I did a lot of smaller paintings (I much prefer large paintings now),
and I loved it. I'm sure it was inspired by the work of Carol Marine.
So Happy Wednesday. I hope you had a good and productive day too.
Have a loving your life day.
It’s peach time in Ontario, and Steven preserved 6, 3 quart baskets of beautiful
organic peaches this afternoon. It’s quite a process, and he is expert at it.
So once again we’ll have peaches all winter for crepes, French toast,
to put on ice cream, or just to eat— yum.
The finished jars of peaches look amazing. I certainly think Steven
is an artist in peaches.
Have a loving your life day.
We're so lucky to have two wonderful sons, and that they in turn
have brought two amazing daughters-in-law into our family.
I love the love shared by our family. So on this special day
I honour those great people, and am so grateful for all of the
joy they've brought into our lives.
Have a loving your life day.
The mantle in my studio
Barbara Muir © 2024
(Have to take a new photo
tomorrow in daylight.
This isn't right.)
As I write this, I sit on the very comfortable couch in my studio across from
the fireplace mantle that displays a cheerful array of small paintings, and a
photo of my son as a baby. I always feel happy looking at that.
Today I had a great day painting, talked to artist friends on the phone,
and then Steven and I went to the best chicken burger place in the city,
and ate on a bright red picnic table looking out at lake Ontario, and at
hundred of families roller blading, paddle boarding, swinging and
playing in the playground, to the sound of the waves. It was
magnificent, and made me love my city (Toronto) even more.
Have a loving your life day.
My parents would be shocked I think to know that whenever Steven and I
visit Ottawa, we now go out to a place where we can buy chicken wraps,
and then drive to the end of my parents' street to the boat launch to look at
the water. After my mother died, a multi-millionaire bought her cottage-like
house, tore it down and built a squarish mansion. It couldn't be more
different than what my parents enjoyed.
But as I've said before, my parents taught me to love water. Every summer
from the time that I was two they drove our whole family to a cottage that
was a 2 1/2 hour drive from Ottawa. We swam every day, canoed, and loved
the views on the lake. When we moved to Toronto, my uncle sold the
cottage we'd rented, and that pleasure was over, so it was extra special
that when my parents moved back to Ottawa they were right on the Ottawa river.
That place also held special memories for me. Wonderful visits with amazing
scenery. On August 1 before we left Ottawa on our way home from Nova
Scotia last week, we drove down that road. The views there are still wonderful,
and tug at my heart strings.
Have a loving your life day.
Untitled (work in progress)
Acrylic on canvas
24 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir © 2024
You come back from a 17 day vacation and wonder,"Who am I?
and what am I doing here?" Normal. After all 330 billion of your
cells renew every day, so those are good questions. You aren't the
person you were when you left.
My answer? A timer. The evidence suggests that I'm a painter.
Come to my studio and you'll see. Then I put my current (before
I left) painting on the easel, set the timer, and began to paint.
Sometimes the answer is in the action. I paint, therefore I am a
painter. Solved and resolved.
Here is a work in progress that is resonant of where we've just
been in the Maritimes. It's a work that is close to, but not quite
done. And I'm working on a commission that will need many
settings of the timer. Progress is happening, and I know who I
am, and what I'm doing here again.
Have a loving your life day.
The Bay of Fundy
Barbara Muir © 2024
What a great trip! 17 days -- 4 provinces twice. Ontario, Quebec, New
Brunswick, Nova Scotia. Along the way we saw family, friends, and
met wonderful people. The best. I love this country more every time
I travel through it. 6,000 kilometres = 3,278 miles.
We are tired tonight. Back home in the high heat of Toronto, which
was with us all the way. Yes. So more on this tomorrow. For
Have a loving your life day.