Saturday, December 2, 2023

A great exhibition, and the second thing I learned in 2023

The three paintings I have in the Heliconian Winterlude
show, on for December and January.
They are: (top) Sweet sunlight and coffee
Next row left: The cake house, and
Sunset at the lake. 

Today I went to the opening of the Winterlude exhibition at the Heliconian
Club 35 Yorkville Avenue.  I have three paintings in the exhibition. It
was great to see other artists, and it's a beautiful show.  I will show
you more pieces from the exhibition in upcoming blog posts.

In this photo of me with the work
the colours are a bit more
accurate.  I had a super time
at the show.  In fact I was so
happy to be there that I danced,
and laughed and had so much fun.
Music would have been good.

I am following a tradition that Howard Wolinksy, the writer/photographer
had me start a few years ago in December.  The idea is to think about
what you learned in the year during the last month of the year.
So here goes on number 2.  Thank you Howard.

The second thing (really the first thing) I learned again in 2023

I wrote a piece in 2015 to explain why I sign so many of
my letters with XOXOXOXOXO, and it resonated with me again
Sadly the pandemic is not gone. I miss all of the things we
did without thinking before.  Now we still have to think about
gatherings, vaccines, when and where to wear a mask.

To all my friends and family who cannot be in
Toronto this year for the holidays, please know
that I love you and you are in my heart.

I learned the strong power of love when I held
my mother's hand as she lay dying 10 years ago.  It was
not about regret, although of course I wish I
could have spent more time with her.  My sadness
was about knowing I couldn't see her, hug her
and speak with her again.

After she died I knew I had to live to the fullest,
not for her, but because she would want me to.
And I understood in the most intense way
possible that however many years I had left on
the planet, they would not be enough to give
out enough love to the people I care about,
and to the world.

I don't mean to overpower people with the
XOXOXOXOXO.  I just mean to say I know
without question that however many X's and
O's I can put at the end of a note they will never
convey how important the concept of being
loving, and kind is to me, or how much I care
for the recipient.

Many friends at this time of year are sharing
ideas about beliefs and ceremonies they
enjoy.  But the common thread in everyone's
background is the importance of love and kindness.

Thank you for yours in 2023, and thank you
to all my friends and family for helping us to
enjoy yet another year of the pandemic. Yes it's
not gone.  I have friends who have it right now.

XOXOXOXOXO to all of my friends and family

Have a loving your life day!


Evelyn Oldroyd - painter said...

Your paintings are beautiful ❣️ and I hope the show was a great success❣️Xoxox to you❣️❣️❣️❣️ There cannot be too much love and kindness in the world. Thank you for the great blog posts❣️❣️❣️❣️

Barbara Muir said...

Hi Evelyn,

Thank you for your posts, beautiful art, and friendship. You are
an inspiration.


Portrait Artist

My photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I paint and draw on commission and for shows. To commission a portrait, or purchase one of my paintings please contact me at:
A major highlight in my career? Drawing Oprah Winfrey live via Skype for her show "Where in the Skype are you? Galleries: Studio Vogue Gallery, Toronto, Canada. The Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York City. Gallery at the Porch Door, Kingston, Canada. Your positive comments on this blog mean the world to me. I'd love to hear from you!