Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Aiming for two -- My 365th entry -- Yay!!!

Tonight at our art group I stood beside Frank, and behind
Peter -- two magnificent artists. As a matter of fact
the room was packed with talent this evening. But it's
the painters who challenge me the most. I got there late
because I taught all day, and it was my night to make dinner.
Still I decided to try getting two paintings done. It
wasn't a bad plan -- sort of like the right brain and
the left brain.

Painting Group sketch
acrylic on canvas
16 x 20 inches

Each pose is 20 - 25 minutes. I think I was there for
three or four. So I'd put one painting up for half of the pose,
and the other one on the easel until the timer went off.
Effort number two is looser, and more like the style I'm
aiming for -- so I'll show it to you. I know it's not perfect.
the eyes are not right, the mouth got blurred a little on
the way home, and it's slightly wet. Still I like it, and I
felt very content bringing home two painted sketches.

Have a you-know-what?-I'm-happy day.


Melinda said...

Amazing! You are cookin' with this sketch and I love the looseness and your ability to hold it all together at the same time.

Congratulations on your 365th entry!

Liza Hirst said...

Congratulations from me, too!
Every day something interesting to write about - wow! I am looking forward to the next 365 posts.

Edgar said...

Work, dinner, a sitting session and a post -- all in one day? You're a dynamo! (Wow, there's a dated term! Where did I dig that up from?)

Love the sketch, and your unalloyed colors. How do you do that?!

Anonymous said...

great sketch! Where do you get the energy? Two paintings in a day wears me out totally. Someday you'll have to show me how ya work your magic.

Laurel Daniel said...

Congratulations! Both on 365 posts - YAY! is right! - AND on a really fabulous sketch. It really is loose and so pleasing. And did I mention congrats on the three hundred and sixty five entries??????? WOW.

Barbara Muir said...

HI Melinda,

Thanks so much. I'm so glad you like it. The model was super, I think that's what works for me.


Barbara Muir said...

Hi Liza,

I'm glad you enjoy my random thoughts.
That makes me smile.


Barbara Muir said...

Hi Edgar,

I'm certainly not super human. When I crawl into bed on Tuesday night I'm one tired human. But I love the teaching, could give up making dinner, and love painting with the crew at my club -- they're both funny and passionate and off in as many different directions as there are artists. All of that makes me feel energized.

Take care,


Barbara Muir said...

Hi Eldon,

Your paintings are much more intensive than the fast work I do from the model at the art club I belong to.

The energy comes from the people -- the students at school, the models and wonderful artists at the art club.

Thanks for the encouragement, and for your great comments all the time.

Take care,


Barbara Muir said...

Hi Laurel,

Thanks so much for your kind congratulations. I'm glad you like the sketch. It seems to depend on the energy I get from the model. This time it was fun.


Portrait Artist

My photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I paint and draw on commission and for shows. To commission a portrait, or purchase one of my paintings please contact me at: barbara.muir@sympatico.ca
A major highlight in my career? Drawing Oprah Winfrey live via Skype for her show "Where in the Skype are you? Galleries: Studio Vogue Gallery, Toronto, Canada. The Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York City. Gallery at the Porch Door, Kingston, Canada. Your positive comments on this blog mean the world to me. I'd love to hear from you!