Acrylic pen, and acrylic on canvas
3 x 4 feet (.914 x 1.29 metres)
Barbara Muir © 2020
This weekend I have the pleasure of being featured in two
art openings, one in Toronto, and one in New York City.
This is beyond exciting for me. So a heads up, if you're
in Toronto on Saturday, I have a large portrait drawing
(see above) on canvas in the Life Drawing Show at the
Heliconian Art Club. This promises to be a wonderful exhibition.

The heart of the neighbourhood (left)
And in New York I have two landscapes in the Victory
of Light exhibition in the Wall Street Art Space. I can't
be there and in Toronto (we humans haven't figured that form
of travel out yet!), but if you are in New York, please
go to the Wall Street Art Space, and send me photos.
So that's tonight's story. Two cities, two galleries,
two different art forms -- and the connection is your
friend -- me. I hope you can picture me sitting here
happy as can be that this lovely story is taking place.
Thank you to the wonderful people at the Heliconian
Club, who believe in me, and encourage me to keep
trying new things, and to Apelles Zhou in New York
City who invited me to be in the dynamic show he's
organized. Both shows are on for the month of February.
Visiting the Heliconian is by appointment only after the
opening. The Wall Street Art Space if open during business
hours on weekdays after the Saturday opening.
Have a planning to see art shows day.
Congratulations on having work in two shows in two cities, Barbara! So exciting! I'm very happy for you. Enjoy every minute!
Thank you Candy. It is pretty exciting. And I am enjoying this delightful opportunity.
Love your work!
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