Saturday, August 26, 2023

Super tired, super happy and still blogging

Lively lemons
 Acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 

We were in Paris, France, for the past week, and just got home.
It was wonderful.  But we have been travelling for
18 hours if you count from the time when we got into our first
taxi to the airport in Paris, until we got dropped off at our house here,
so I won't say much. I will say thank you to all the people who helped
us at the airports in Paris, Montreal and Toronto.  I have to take
a wheelchair at the airport, because although I can walk, I cannot
stand for any lengthy period of time because of my knees. 

Our kitchen table usually has a bowl of lemons, and
I find the sight of that very welcoming and happy.

Have a wonderful day.


Evelyn Oldroyd - painter said...

Beautiful bowl of lemons! But how do they keep? mine always go mouldy. I am sorry to hear about your knees. That must have been difficult for you in the galleries. xxx

Barbara Muir said...

Hi Evelyn,

We very carefully chose galleries without line ups. I can walk with
no problem. It's just standing for any long period of time that hurts
too much. Our lemons seems to last quite awhile. I am of course always
getting a few new ones, and replacing the hard ones.

Love your work.


Portrait Artist

My photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I paint and draw on commission and for shows. To commission a portrait, or purchase one of my paintings please contact me at:
A major highlight in my career? Drawing Oprah Winfrey live via Skype for her show "Where in the Skype are you? Galleries: Studio Vogue Gallery, Toronto, Canada. The Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York City. Gallery at the Porch Door, Kingston, Canada. Your positive comments on this blog mean the world to me. I'd love to hear from you!