Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Memories of a wonderful cat on a hot day

My sweet cat Timbah sat down on my chair
every time I got up to wash my brushes, or
change the water. He was an avid fan of my
work. And I was just his avid fan.
Barbara Muir © 

 It is an incredibly hot day, and I found this sweet picture of our cat Timbah
who has been gone for almost 2 years. In the photo I had taken a break from 

painting a flower painting based on some flowers a friend had given me, and
every time I got up, the cat climbed onto my chair. So cute. Cats do that—even 
in very hot weather, because they like the heat of where you were sitting.

It’s hard to believe that furry creatures crave heat, but cats do.

Have a loving your life day. 

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Portrait Artist

My photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I paint and draw on commission and for shows. To commission a portrait, or purchase one of my paintings please contact me at: barbara.muir@sympatico.ca
A major highlight in my career? Drawing Oprah Winfrey live via Skype for her show "Where in the Skype are you? Galleries: Studio Vogue Gallery, Toronto, Canada. The Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York City. Gallery at the Porch Door, Kingston, Canada. Your positive comments on this blog mean the world to me. I'd love to hear from you!