Friday, October 3, 2008

The birthday season

In our family and extended family October marks
the start of the birthday season. Tonight we went
to my friend's daughter's family birthday party, as
we have every year since she turned six. I love
Claudia like a daughter, and as I don't have any
daughters, that is a wonderful gift to me. I've painted
her several times, and she's definitely one of
my favorite models.

Sam, my youngest is home from university because
his university has been on strike so he came to the party,
and we all had fun. At one point the conversation got a
little hot over the election -- strangely enough
people are more excited about the American
election, than our own.

We decided to shelve the topic so we could just
enjoy each other. The truth is that as soon as
both of our countries' elections are over, everyone
will go back to being people -- just people.
That's why I say I'm from the art party, because
anyone who paints, draws or likes to enjoy art
can join, and then we can all be friends.

After the Dance,
Sam sketch
30" x 30"
acrylic on canvas

I have a couple of paintings I'm working on
that I'd like to put in the blog, but I haven't
had time to get them ready today, so I'm
showing you a large sketch painting I did
of my son Sam, when I was teaching private
art lessons. It is like a class sketch, because
I painted beside my student, and used the
painting to illustrate my lesson. Looking at
it now, there are areas I'd want to refine, but
it is a fairly good portrait of Sam, who was
our good-natured, if somewhat reluctant

Have an apolitical, loving everybody, peaceful day.


Theresa Rankin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Theresa Rankin said...

Hi Barbara...lovely painting..(peaceful, restful and as always done so well) and I am always thrilled when people find someone to add to there family because of a lack or just because!
I too will be glad when the elections are over and people can go back to their normal selves. I have chosen not to discuss politics on my blog for obvious reasons but am adamantly in favor of one particular candidate here in the states whom I have followed fervently since I first heard him speak over three years ago. There is a universal interest in our election this time around that has not been seen before!I have never missed a voting since I was of age....but for some reason my candidate rarely wins...I hope this election proves to lean towards my choice of positive change! I am also beginning the birthday season here between friends and family which will last until March.

Theresa Rankin said...

Sorry the removed comment was mine...I did not include everything I wanted to!

Barbara Muir said...

Hi Theresa,

Thanks for your comment. I am trying like crazy to avoid politics, but aside from the economy, all conversation seems to end up on politics right now, and then people
decide to like or dislike each other
based on their point of view. That
is tragic, and is probably why so many
young people don't vote.

Thanks so much for your comment and great thinking. We have a thick birthday season until the frist week in December, then another one from March until July.



Barbara Muir said...

Hi Theresa,

The "Ba" is a mistake. I didn't see
it floating there. I guess I'm distracted.


milindmulick said...

I like the composition The balance of blue ,red and yellow.
very "colorist:..

Barbara Muir said...

Hi Millind,

Thanks for the compliment. I don't know if I'm a "colorist", but I do
like colour, and I really like the colour in your paintings too.


Barbara Muir said...

Sorry Milind,

my eyes get tired late in the day.

Thanks again,


Portrait Artist

My photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I paint and draw on commission and for shows. To commission a portrait, or purchase one of my paintings please contact me at:
A major highlight in my career? Drawing Oprah Winfrey live via Skype for her show "Where in the Skype are you? Galleries: Studio Vogue Gallery, Toronto, Canada. The Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York City. Gallery at the Porch Door, Kingston, Canada. Your positive comments on this blog mean the world to me. I'd love to hear from you!